Amber Sugar Cookies hcs!

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(unefited and grammar checked)

AHHHHH i was so defeated by this request bc my writer's block had no ideas for this little shit. I'm glad i could finally overcome this obstacle and I'm proud of myself :D

now that I got this done, I can finally open requests back up.

The reason why I finally had the motivation is because LOOK!! ITS MARCH 25TH!!! 2 MONTHS SINCE I PUBLISHED THIS BOOK AHHH I cant thank you guys enough for this support my book is growing so fast and its insane I love u all sm!

I believed his pronouns are he/him as that's what the wiki says and I'm gonna just go with that.

this wont be perfect as I havent touched ovenbreak in months but HERE WE GO

requested by Meh_Sleepy_Head


-ok so you guys are roommates and you have a cute little house in the shape of a honeycomb just look:

-ok so you guys are roommates and you have a cute little house in the shape of a honeycomb just look:

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imagine more rooms and stuff but it looks like that and its super cute and like a cottage.

-he often talks about his rival, sea fairy, a lot. you arent quite sure why he hates her but uh sure get it ig

-you're well-acquainted with Angel Cookie, as she is his good friend. She visits often and gives you little bookmarks with bible quotes on them.. 

You literally have a box filled with all these bookmarks with different quotes on them.

She also sometimes brings muffins so its worth it.

-he is quite stubborn and wants everything HIS WAY. which just to happened to be the most perfect option.

-as said previously, he is a PERFECTIONIST. everything must be perfect. That's why your guys' home always looks so new and tidy all the time. 

-you guys totally own a beehive in your backyard and he named each and every individual bee. fite me.

-massive tsundere vibes. if you said that he looked nice today, he would be all flustered and call you dumb. 

-oh my god you beat him in chess once and he threw a HISSY FIT. like a fucking TODDLER. he would not accept defeat

(honestly same)

-refuses to kill bees (for obvious reasons) but will NOT HESITATE to ERADICATE spiders off the face of the EARTH. he lost a bee to a spider and hates them to this day. 

- he puts honey on EVERYTHING. EVERY SINGLE THING. Not just waffles and stuff, but on sandwiches, star jelies, hell, even deserts. A matter of fact, he REFUSES to eat anything if it doesn't contain honey.

 fucking psycho.

-he hates rain, similar to bees. When its raining, he cant go outside or it'll damage his wings, and so he'd continuously complain and whine about it and how he's worried for the bees in the hive. Its so adorable its annoying.

-sometimes he'd make your cute little flower crowns and give them to you as gifts. he loves any and all flowers. 

-you call him your 'Little Bee' which is honestly fucking adorable wtf

-you once made the mistake of buying him fake flowers. He finds fake flowers an insult to the real flowers in the world and says that you could've just gone outside and got some.  he constantly reminds you of this. constantly. 

like he wont drop this offense as if its a personal attack on his character.

what a little shit.

-you make fun of his height. 

sorry idk what to tell you other than I'm spitting facts.



WOOO! 2 months! aUGH. got this one done. got to be creative with his bc I dont know his character very well. hope this is good enough! requests are opening back up so request on that page!!

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