You get into a fight (PREF/SCEN)

995 13 104

(unedited pls dont bully me for mistakes I am sensitive)

And by fight, I mean like relationship fights. Like fighting over if someone cheated. For obvious reasons, no child cookies!

this one is very half-assed and I promise ill write something better tmr

requested by ur mom 


No Commons! Wanted to save some time!


Princess Cookie:

You two fought over how she nearly died while on an adventure. She ended up apologizing and you both went shopping for dresses

Well actually you just held the dresses she picked out until you got to the cashier.

Knight Cookie:
You two fought because he always values Princess cookie over you. He apologized very quickly. And then you apologized. 

Alchemist Cookie:

You two fought because you spilled some chemicals. In your defense, she placed the bottle right on the very very edge on a shakey table. You apologized and read a book together. 

Adventurer Cookie:
You two fought because of his constant 'ur mom' jokes. He defused the fight by saying "u look just like ur mom. and she's a milf. that's a compliment."

Blackberry Cookie:
You have NEVER fought, and even if you did, you'd immediately apologize. She is always right. cuz shes a milf

No Avocado or Carrot to save some time, sorry :(

Clover Cookie

you would never fight with him. if you did though, he'd cry. 


Affogato cookie:

you two fight all the time over dumb little tiny things. its mostly playful fights and hes always the most stubborn. usually, you have to apologize first cause he'd never give in.

Almond Cookie:

Walnut cookie nearly got hurt cause she wanted to help her dad on her mission. This resulted in a big fight between you and him. The fight stopped very quickly once Walnut started crying.

Black Raisin Cookie:

you guys fought once..or well if you could consider that a fight. You just argued to her and she just listened. no response or argument. 

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