Tsundere!Toothpaste cookie x reader

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k ima be honest, i thought toothpaste cookie was an ovenbreak character bc I started playing RIGHT AFTER SUPER MAYHEM ENDED!! (like the day after) so I missed it and I had to watch a comp of cutscenes.

requested by: justasimpmore_

title that was too long:

-*Its not like i like you or anything!!*-

There isn't very much to go off of, so just bare with me, thank u


It was another day, another slay (MATERIAL GORRLL).

sorry sorry ill be serious-

Another day in the kingdom, you weren't expecting anything to go on today...But you soon ate your words.

"Interdimensional?!" You said. You were in utter shock as you stared at the cookies who were tied up together.

"MWAHAHAHA! AND DONT YOU FORGET IT!" the colorful pigtailed cookie screamed.

"wow..shes eccentric.." you muttered to yourself

Gingerbrave introduced them and discussed the plan with you.

He took you into the next room.

"Okay, soo, our plan is that I gather some of our best interrogating cookies, and we force the answers out of these guys! We need to know where they come from and why they are here...Sooo I've gathered the best here. Y/n, Espresso, Almond, Rye, and.. wait where is Pomagranete??"

"She couldn't attend, so I'm here as a better replacement!" Licorice cookie said.

"Okay..that explains why your here but I guess you could do as a replacement for now!"

You examined the crowd. Twizzly Gummy...Yeah, no. If you had a death wish, you'd pick her.

Wildberry? No, she seems too apathetic ..

Peeled carrot? No. shes got such an opposite personality, it scared you.

Half-Avacado? Nope, that's a job for someone with a weapon.

Toothpaste? Hm..

"Okay, Licorice can get Peeled Carrot..And then lastly Y/n, you get Twizzly gummy" Mala Sauce said.


your joking right..?"


"o-oh no i couldn't possbl-" You started before you were interrupted and SAVED by Espresso.

"Nonono. No need. I can take Twizzly Gummy. Y/n can have my candidate." You couldn't tell if he wanted to protect you or just wanted to take the bigger package and get information out of her to prove he's better than you.

"And that is Toothpaste!" Gingerbrave said.

You looked at Toothpaste, and he looked back at you. He quickly averted your gaze, which you thought was strange.

"sure" you shrugged.

The two of us were stuffed into a small room meant for interrogating provided by Almond.

We sat at opposite ends of the table, and you could feel the uneasy tension in the room. You sighed and thought about where to start. His weaknesses maybe?

"S-So...Uhm...Whats it like in your dimension?" You started.

"Pfff- Wouldnt you like to know?" He laughed.

"I-" you sat there dumbfounded, unsure of what to do next. He examined the room, doing anything but making eye contact with you. Hmm...

You stared at him. Just stared. You leaned over the table slightly to put him on edge.

"W-What are you doing..?" He started sweating.

"Are you- What- Can you like.. s-stop.?"

(no but same i cant handle it when people stare at me it makes me flustered af)

His face turned red, and he looked away. You laughed.

"Aww, Mr tough has a weaknesssss" you teased.

"I-Its not a weakness!" He defended himself, still desperately avoiding eye contact.

You thought for a moment. This is gonna be fun..

"So, what tunes can you play?"

"Maybe if i wasn't tied up, i could play..?" he hinted

"HA! No."

"Why is your employer here?"

"Its simple. mayhem."

'"Thats not a satisfying answer!!"

"Aw boo hoo, too bad, so sad" he fake pouted.

Every question you asked him was the same. He managed to answer, but not at the same time. It only raised more questions. I have no choice.. You contemplated if you really wanted to do this or not.

You sighed.

"Look, Ill give you one more chance to tell me why all you are here or else"

"Pff..Or else what? You gonna cry? How pathti-"

You reached over the table and grabbed him by the tie, pulling him face to face with you. His expression in that very moment was priceless. His face turned a bright shade of red, and whatever he was gonna say was completely out of his mind.

"okokaokay, mybossstolefromtheTBD-" He started telling you all of the information you needed.

You smiled and laughed after he was done explaining. You released him from your grasp.

"pFFF- Hahaha! You like me don't you?" He stood, his face still red, and eyes wide with surprise. He shook his head and put on a poker face.

"W-Wha? No! I mean with the stunt you just pulled anyone is going to succumb to embarrassment!"

"I don't think that was 'embarrassment', sir" You joked

"You idiot! Its not like i like you anything!" He defended.

"I got all the info i needed, my job is done here." You stood up out of your chair and smiled at him.

"Thank you for your contribution." you smiled, wiping 'dust' off your sleeves as a way to mock him. "Now i can shove it in espressos gay face!" You cheered, walking out of the room.




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