What is your relationship like? (PREF/SCEN)

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ignoring my responsibilities and requests like a girlboss </3



GingerBrave (PLATONIC):

he's usually your support beam. when you feel down he'll say something motivational and make you feel better.

honestly the purest thing in the world.

Strawberry Cookie(PLATONIC):

DOUBLE PURENESS!! since the both of you are awkward at times, you can be awkward together. you usually have to comfort her when she feels shy.

Ninja Cookie:
most of the time you cant even see the bitch cuz hes invisible

Angel Cookie(PLATONIC):

texts you daily bible quotes every morning. preaches to you for hours on end about bible writings and jesus or something.

Muscle Cookie:
you worry 24/7 if he's gonna accidentally crush you or something.

Wizard Cookie(PLATONIC):

kind of pure. there were a few times he messed up testing a spell on you on purpose. 

it left some nasty side effects. you grew a temporary second arm. 

which sounds cool af. wait.

ignore how beet cookie is missing. thx. i have no reason why. I'm just lazy.


Princess Cookie:

its like a playful pure. like sometimes you guys are real sweet and other times you two are playfully fighting over something dumb.

Knight Cookie:
HE WOULD PROTECT YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. There is no length he would not travel to make sure your safe. sometimes he forgets about his own health while protecting you though :((

Cherry Cookie (PLATONIC):

you two run around the kingdom causing chaos and explosions but then get caught by Cherry Blossom and get scolded for like 20 minutes. basically the most mischievous little fucks in the kingdom. 

Alchemist Cookie:
shes really shy but your really outgoing. its kind of like opposites attract thingy. your kind of a bother to her on her work days when shes busy mixing chemicals. 

you often spill things.

 she is never happy about that.

Adventurer Cookie:

two milf/dilf lovers. need I elaborate? 

Blackberry Cookie:

Since she's always protecting and taking care of Onion and Adventurer, you kinda also act like a child. The three of you knock over a vase or something and both get scolded for it. Somehow, she became the mother of literally everyone. you cant help but act dumber and like a child around her. 

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