They get jealous (PREF/SCEN)

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hi uhm. i dont have much to say besides:

1) removed child cookies. I'm thinking more like relationship jealousy. like if u were laughing with another cookie or something.

2)ur mom B)

Requested by Fandomlove56


Ninja Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with:literally anyone
Their reaction: he doesn't care that much actually.

Muscle Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: Purple Yam
Their reaction: fistfight between the two. You couldn't tell if they were fighting over you or just fighting.

Beet Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: Carrot
Their reaction: she trusts you.


Princess Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: Knight
Their reaction: she felt a little doubtful, but she still trusts you and Knight cookie.

Knight Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: Princess
Their reaction: he just joined in on the conversation.

What a fucking simp.

Alchemist Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: Vampire
Their reaction: "oh :("

Adventurer Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: literally any milf
Their reaction: "oh hey mamas *lipbite* let me in on that. lets gangbang"

Blackberry Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: adventurer
Their reaction: she doesn't really care. shes more worried about adventurer calling you a milf or something.

Avocado Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: literally anyone
Their reaction: "what do you call a fish with no I? A fshhh!" She doesn't even feel jealousy. She just wants to tell everyone dad jokes.

Carrot Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: Beet Cookie
Their reaction: "welp. might as well angrily plant things."

Clover Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: mint choco
Their reaction: sad song. probably similar to heather by Conan Gray



Affogato Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: Caramel Arrow
Their reaction: walked up to you two, grabbed your hand, insulted caramel, and dragged you home to complain about it.

Almond Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: anyone
Their reaction: *sips coffee while looking at them spitefully*

Black Raisin Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: anyone
Their reaction: she would feel so inferior and she'd wonder 24/7 what they had that she didn't.

:( same

Caramel Arrow Cookie:
The cookie you were hanging out with: Affogato
Their reaction: "ouch."

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