Rye cookie Hcs!

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bro rye cookie gives off such chaotic vibesss

Requested by anonymous!


-Whenever she gets the chance, she will interrupt any conversation and bring up her grudge again Chili Peper. Any chance.

-you were the one who did her hair. ur gonna look at me and your gonna tell me that I'm wrong?

-one time, you tried kissing her in public, but she backed up a step and left you hanging. she isn't one for P.D.A

-she often gives you old unusable guns she couldn't get fixed by Avacado, and so you painted them pretty designs like sunflowers and bees and cute little things. you offered to paint her favorite pair of pistols, which she turned down.

-you are kinda like her consciousness, she shows little to no mercy to those who stand in her way of catching her bounty. One time, you had to defend someone who wouldn't tell her where Chili Peper went. You're like the little angel on her shoulder if that's how you wanna put it.

-you hang out with her so much to the point where you start copying her accent without noticing. one time, you were talking to another cookie, and you said a word that reminded you of Rye and while thinking about her, you subconsciously switched accents.

-in her cookie house, she has tons of things up on her wall. Like newspapers of past bounties she caught, trophies from when she was younger and wanted posters of Chili Peper, each one having a higher bounty reward than the last one. Showing that she's had this grudge for ages.

-she will ramble on and on about how she hates cookies who wont put in the time to work for things and instead steals. (Chili pepper slander:)

-she is DETERMINDED. she will not drop anything. yeah that one cookie who insulted her 13 years ago? she remembers them. that one cookie who held her wrong as a baby? yeah she remembers them. she seeks revenge for that one kid who took her lollipop when she was younger. sorry I don't make the rules

-she still secretly enjoys a little farming, especially with you. you have a secret tiny (very tiny. like only a few feet wide) farmland away from the kingdom where you guys just sit in the field and work for an hour or two. you usually talk about gossip around the kingdom while she talks about how much she hates Chili Peper and about the latest bounties shes been thinking about catching.

(meet me out our spotttt. caught a vibee baby r u coming for the riddeee)

-you help her catch bounties. as in you're kind of a secret spy. since its under wraps you are dating, you can spy on the target without them knowing you are working with Rye.

-you try not to let Rye's biased opinions make you see anyone differently. you try at least. you cant help but feel slightly bad for Chili Pepper.

-you hope to one day be using your cookie decor when rye comes running at you cheering "I caught her! I caught her! I caught Chili Peper!" so she can finally be at peace of mind when doing literally anything.



Hey! i don't actually have Rye cookie so this one was a little more difficult. But the wiki helped me a lot so yay!

might write an espresso x reader oneshot. you guys got any ideas? :D

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