Red Velvet Cookie Headcanons

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since the espresso chapter got so many reads so quickly since it was posted I'm gonna continue to feed you weirdos  /lighthearted

there are spoilers for his story and stuff so BEWARE!


-whenever he's out on an expedition, you are in full charge of his cake hounds if anything happens even BARELY to them, your dead. 

-Chiffon is hard to get away from Velvet. If Velvet simply walks two feet farther than he wants, he will cling on to him desperately in fear. 

(god the fucking "chiffon, everythings alright" FUCKING MAKES ME CRY!!! FUCK U PEOPLE WHO WROTE THAT BUT I ALSO LOVE U)

-whenever you go on walks with the dogs, you both take half of the leashes. A lot of cookies get adorably harassed by the posse of cake hounds while taking the walk. 

-you've always wondered what his arm tastes like. /hj

-whenever you and him would play hide and seek with the cake hounds on the pile of cake, you always struggle to hop on the fork, so he always helps you up. (yknow like his little cake tower thing for him?)

-sometimes when he thinks he's alone, he sings little songs to his hounds. you think its cute.

-sometimes you like to do things with his hair. its so long is hard to resist. you'd put it in a bun sometimes, sometimes a giant ponytail coming out of the top of his head like a palm tree. 

-you have matching cake hound hoodies. fistfight me.

-Your favorite pastime to do together is to sword fight. He'd try his best to train you, hoping that one day you will be as good as him. He even got Avacado Cookie to custom make you a special sword with designs he knew you'd love as an anniversary present. <3

-he'd make comments about how he hates his eyes, and as soon as he did you did a whole presentation on why his eyes were amazing. 

-When hanging out with Poison Mushroom, Licorice, and Velvet, you'd make jokes together about Pomgagrante cookie and how sincere she is by mocking her...which usually ends in a long lecture from her. Somehow she found out. you bet it was mushroom who was being a tattletale.

-sometimes you'd trace little patterns into his cake hand with your finger. like hearts or spelling out words like "I L-O-V-E Y-O-U"

-he let you name one of the hounds once, which was the last time. you tried to name him "red is sus" He will never let you name anything ever again.



Another one down! this one is kinda cliché romantic but oh well.

 ily <3 

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