They want your attention (PREF/SCEN)

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Requested by Fandomlove56




he would probably just outright say it. 

Strawberry Cookie:

she would try to hide it at first but probably would just tap you slightly and ask for a hug. how could you say no to her? 

Ninja Cookie

Angel Cookie
doesn't want attention from you. they want attention from GOD

Muscle Cookie


Wizard Cookie

he would probably do a cute spell to get your attention and for you to notice him. he would never admit he did it for attention though. 

Beet cookie
she would outright shoot you. 


Princess Cookie

she would lightly tap you with the gem of her staff(..?..wand..?..stick?) very subtly.

You asked her what she wanted and in response, she huffed dramatically and told you. 

Knight Cookie

he would never act upon the need for your attention. he's too scared. 

*COUGH* pissbaby. *COUGH*

Cherry Cookie
would probably blow shit up. don't act surpised.

Alchemist Cookie
she would stutter a LOT when asking for attention. 

Adventurer Cookie
he would totally just outright say it in the worst way.

a normal cookie:

"hey can we hang out?"

adventurer on the other hand:

"hey ur kinda hot and since ur mom rejected me you should give me attention."

Blackberry Cookie
she just politely asked. no stutter or anything. she isn't one to beat around the bush. shes very direct.

Gumball Cookie
he would shoot paint on you. what a little bitch.

Onion Cookie
she would walk up to you and tug on your clothes lightly. when you looked down at her she smiled and held up her doll to you. the rest of the day you guys had a cute little tea party. 

Pancake Cookie

would attempt to jump off a building and fly to get your attention. 

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