Caramel Arrow Cookie HCS!

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I hate milk cookie with every fiber of my being and a passion beyond anyone's understanding. i got him instead of caramel arrow after I spent like 39k crystals. I'm still salty about that. even if it was like a month ago and I got her later on.
fuck you milk cookie.

requested by l0cal_simp

Sorry it took me so much time to write! I've been busy with other requests but finally found time to work on it.


-you've basically been childhood best friends with caramel. you've known her nearly all your life.

-she got you into liking boba. you kinda had no choice about it.
-if you didn't like boba she would've force fed you it anyway.

-she asked avocado cookie to make you a custom bow. it had your initials carved in it. it was perfect for you and your arm strength. even if you were really bad at archery. It was colored similar to hers, except the colors were swapped on opposite sides.

-Caramel tried her absolute best to teach you about being a watcher and archery and stuff. you didn't really catch on very well tho.

-every now and then, the two of you go to her lookout tower. Sometimes you guys just sit on the bar and feel the wind. It's the most peaceful place for both of you.

-when Caramel was exiled from the Dark Cacao citadel, you had a private conversation with Affogato.

you kinda sorta.. slapped him.

-every chance you'd get to talk to him, you'd plead to Dark Cacao to welcome her back into the kingdom. Her exile made it almost impossible for you to see her.

-your relationship is secret... or at least you tried to make it secret. Affogato somehow found out, and goes out of his way to make you two struggle.

What a bitch.

-sometimes, when you have the ability, you sneak out of the citadel to go look for Caramel. Most of the time, you don't find her or Affogato catches you.

-you wonder sometimes why Affogato hates what you and Caramel have.

It's probably because he's being cockblocked. Why so salty Affogato? Huh? Did Dark Cacao leave you on read for the 100000000th time? Gtfo biotch

-one time, Affogato was complaining about how annoying Caramel was, and you completely lost it.
You tackled him in front of Dark Cacao and punched him. It felt like a middle school playground fight.

You felt like that boy from A Christmas Story attacking a bully.


Dark Caca just standing there like:🧍‍♂️"oh"

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Dark Caca just standing there like:🧍‍♂️"oh"

-when you two where children, you drew little ying yang symbol on your arms using marker. she was the white side, you were the black side.

Observe again:

That's a large inspiration for her bow design

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That's a large inspiration for her bow design. She claims it's harmony of both sides or whatever but in reality it reminds her of you.


This chapter made me want to punch affogato. he's too hot tho. sorry 🤷‍♀️

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