_*Aaron Burr, Sir.*- Caramel Arrow x reader

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HEY! just wanna say, this was published BEFORE caramel arrows release. I like to do these chapters before character releases and episodes since I can make up their personality as I please.

I will do a chapter after her release to compare how close it was personality-wise.

uhm pls bare with me ahaha

(this is literally so bad but I don't have the time to rewrite it AUGHH)

(Also there is a shit ton of Hamilton stuff in here so uh if you haven't seen Hamilton please get off wattpad and WATCH IT! WATCH IT NOW. ITS ON DISNEY+. GO WATCH IT NOW. [not sponsored])





I extend an arm and press snooze on my alarm.

Back to the land of peace and quiet where I can dream whatever I wan-


"why me?"

I slowly lifted my head from its comfortable place on the pillow with a sigh. I shut off my alarm and looked at the time.

"9:05 am...March 26th..Saturday! Saturday!" My entire mood changed.

Saturday! A day off from exploring! A day to myself!

With a satisfied sigh, I got up and began the day.

After doing the necessary preparations, I opened my window and looked out.

It was a lovely sunny day, a perfect time to stay in and watch a musical.

Leaving the window open, I fell down onto the couch with a loud thump and grabbed the remote.

"La La land..No already watched that one...Six..? No..I'm saving that for a large movie party with my friends...The Greatest Showman..?..No I promised I'd wait to watch it with Clover.....Ah! There it is! Hamilton!"

I pressed play and the musical started.

"Oh! Cant possibly forget some food! Im thinking maybe some scrambled jelly eggs with fudge bacon.." I said to myself, getting up to search my kitchen pantry.

After preparing the food, the musical just started playing "Aaron Burr, sir." and so I was singing with it. I don't know. Hamilton just kinda gets me to dance to my feet.

"Im Alexander Hamilton, I'm at your service sir." I hummed quietly while putting the fudge bacon in the small oven. "I have been looking for you. Im getting nervous. Sir I heard your name at Princeton-"

All of a sudden, an arrow was shot into the room and hit the wall. It came from the window.

I rushed over and shut the window for defense. I stared at the arrow.

"What the..f..fudge..?" I quickly corrected myself from cursing.

I walked over and removed the arrow from the wall.

"eesh...shouldn't have rented an apartment. they are gonna be so pissed.."

There was a tiny piece of paper tied around the arrow. I untied it and read it.

'Hey. I mean only good. (Despite the fact I shot an arrow at you.) Please meet me at the very edge of the forest on the southeast side. You'll know me when you see me.'

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