Eclair Cookie hcs!

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ECLAIR COOKIE MY BELVOED!! (can we also talk about his face when he wins a battle sodjfodsjfsodijfoisdj)

requested by XxIIariIIxX


-he makes comments like "Your are just as precious as my relics" and cute stuff like that, saying that his relics cant even compare to how much he treasures you.

-you have the duty of brushing his hair every morning since he cant exactly reach most of his hair

(why cookie arms are so short sdfsdojf)

-he talks about his relics a lot and loves talking to you about the history behind them. you have to listen. But then again, why wouldn't you?

-if he had to choose between you and his relics, he'd choose you, which really is saying something. 

-HE LOVES P.D.A. (public display of affection) HOLD HIS HAND IN PUBLIC. PLEASE. GIVE HIM LOVE

-you help run the museum with him on very busy days. You either help dust off relics or welcome guests. The relics are never very dusty, as Eclair HATES dust.

-he could just talk about the history behind literally anything for hours and hours without realizing he was rambling. You think its cute.

-your favorite activity together is going to a local library (if they even exist in cookie run disdfb) and reading a book together. You'd take turns reading the genres you like. First, you'd get to choose your favorite and after reading as far as you want, he would pick out a book and he would read as far as he wants. 

(It's usually the entire book because he gets so mesmerized by history he loses sense of time.)

-he talks about you to every cookie he meets at any chance. he says all sorts of lovely things.

-you are well acquainted with Latte, as every time Elcair goes to teach Latte's class, you get to go to a cafe for 40-ish minutes and have a chat with her. By the time you get back, Eclair was finishing describing the history of the relics he brought in. 

-you sometimes like to run around in the museum, looking at each relic and remembering what he told you. kinda like flashcards!



this one was slightly more difficult to write than I thought. it seems so cliche but yk I'm okay with that! its a cute kind of cliche! :D

i also want to just say that stories are going to take much longer than expected to post bc school is fucking me over

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