Adventurer cookie x Jealous reader

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the title was -*"I am not!"*- but it was already long enough soooo

requested by Fandomlove56  (again! thank u!)


1st person

It was another basic day in the kingdom. I walked along the path, waving at other cookies passing by. Nothing or no one caught my eye. I pulled out my phone and opened Cookiegram. 

ill just check his story one more time..

he didn't post anything. Wait..Why am I stalking his Cookiegram?!

I put my phone away and continued walking

Then, I noticed Adventurer cookie by the seaside, and I felt my pace and my entire mood lighten and get more excited. I walked towards him, feeling the warm sand slowly me down slightly. 

 But I wasn't expecting to see Blackberry there.

I hid behind a nearby palm tree and peeked over. Both of them were laughing at a joke.. well, Adventurer was laughing, and Blackberry was just smiling. I couldn't help but feel a little envious and wished I was Blackberry. Soon, I heard Blackberry say her iconic line "Im sorry, but I have other matters to attend to." and she walked towards the kingdom, sand entering and exiting her shoes as she walked. 

Adventurer sat down in the sand, and I decided to talk to him. I wished that I could make him laugh as Blackberry did.

I walked and sat next to him, feeling sand press against my clothes. It was rather uncomfy. 

"Oh! Hey! What's up Y/n?" he looked over at me and smiled wide. "oh nothing, I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Oh well, I just was talking to Blackberry.." I frowned without realizing it. He noticed this and smiled smugly. 

"I see...I saw you were stalking my Cookiegram..." I froze, my face heating up from embarrassment. "How did you-" 

"You accidentally liked a post from like months ago." He smiled. I cursed under my breath.

"I know your jealous of Blackberry" he looked back at the ocean. "I am not!" I crossed my arms. He laughed at my antics.

"You can just admittt ittttt" he joked, elbowing me. "Nuh uh! Not gonna happen"

He stared at me with pleading eyes, I looked in the other direction, but I couldn't say no to him.

"Can anybody ever say no to you?! Okay fine! Maybe just a bit!" I admitted. "AHA! I knew it!" he laughed more compared how he laughed when he was with Blackberry.


2nd person

You ran along the seashore and he chased you, teasing you and making fun of you regarding the fact you were jealous. What an asshole /hj  <3




been thinking about making a chapter relating to the backrooms! REQUEST IDEAS!!!            MY WRITERS BLOCK ISNT HELPINGGGG

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