Adventuerer Cookie x sick reader

519 13 8


possible tw: 

*sickness, ofc


requested by Fandomlove56 

(Scnvvhihihihinvnef I don't know if the @ even worked I'm on mobile in the car nvenijndjndisnsdkm)


2nd person

I stood up from my bed, rubbing my head. I couldn't quite understand why but i seemed to feel off...

I felt so many things off with me, it was an odd feeling. 

I decided to just brush it off. I got ready and headed outside, hoping to see adventurer cookie or someone interesting. 

You felt nauseous with every step you took, it was a struggle to ignore. 

Soon enough, you saw Adventurer cookie talking with Blackberry and Onion. You walked over, trying to hide your uneasy feelings from them.

"Hey guys!" 

"Oh, Hello." Blackberry said in her usual calm voice. 

"Y/n! Was planning on taking Onion out for an adventure, you wanna come?" he asked.

'Sure, if its okay with Onion!" You bent over and got down at Onions level. You've always been a really good friend with her, and she always stops crying when shes around you.

She smiled at you and offered her doll to you. You took it and made it walk around. Blackberry and Adventurer talked about the details..well more like Blackberry told him a list of things to not do with Onion. 

"And no temples. I don't want a boulder chasing you guys. She doesn't have her running shoes on. Not to mention the forest over there-"

Onion giggled and looked at you. Suddenly, her face turned to a frown. 

"Y/n.." Onion whispered. "Are you feeling alright..?"

You frowned for a second "..she knows.." You thought to yourself

"you look p-pale.." you saw tears starting to form in her eyes

"Uh..What?" You laughed it off. "Nono, I just haven't eaten much today."

You made excuses. Not only to prevent her from crying, but because you were in denial you were sick.

Cookies don't get sick often, and they say you'd have to eat something REALLLLLY bad to get actual symptoms. Only dumb cookies get sick that way. You weren't dumb.

Finally, Blackberry was done listing things Onion cant do, and so we all went to your cookie house to get ready, as adventures didn't have much in it compared to yours. 

You let Onion sit on your bed, while Adventurer looked around for supplies. 

You suddenly felt the urge to cough up the small breakfast you had today, and it wasn't much, but you felt it coming up. 

You rushed to the bathroom. You leaned over the toilet and let it all out, you felt instantly hungry all over again. You flushed all the food bits down the toilet and began to clean it. You didn't want them to know. You cleaned the toilet, suddenly realizing the cause of all this. it hit you like a wrecking ball. 

last night, I was buying some ingredients for a dish I wanted to make, and they only had one of the ingredients left, and... I never checked the expiration date..!

you flushed the toilet down with the cleaning chemicals and sprayed some stuff to make it smell better. You grabbed some bear jellies from inside the fridge to fill you up slightly. You went into your pantry and looked at the ingredient you ate. 

From inside the pantry, you could hear Adventurer ask you something but you couldn't make out what he said


"I asked if we need to bring the fire extinguisher?!"

"What!?? No!????"


You sighed and continued to find the ingredient. Sure enough, the date it was due to expire was 3 months ago. You had food poisoning.

You really wanted to hang out with Adventuerer and Onion, and you didn't want to tell him that you couldn't come along, as you knew he'd cancel it IMMEDIATELY if he knew you were sick.

You sighed and walked out of the pantry. 

"Hey, Adventurer?" He was crouching on the floor, filling up a bag with supplies.

"Im not really feeling the best... do you think you can handle Onion alone on this adventure?"

He looked shocked. 

"Nonono, we can reschedule if your REALLY not feeling alright, actually no, you don't get a choice."

You sighed. He already made the decision. You knew there was nothing stopping him.

"Adventurers gonna call Pure Vanilla,  he's gonna come and heal you, and we are gonna stay with you until your better!" Onion cheered.

Adventurer forced you to lie down. 

"I knew there was something up when I heard you were vomiting in the bathroom."

"Adventuerer you dumbass. Of course, there was something wrong if I was THROWING UP!"

"yeah well sorryYyyyy I've got a smooth brain"

You rolled your eyes as he dialed Pure Vanilla.

--Time skip brought to you by Onions doll--

"Simply lie down and eat this..." Pure Vanilla handed you some sort of special food.

"Just don't eat anything that's hard for you to digest..and then you should be fine."

Pure Vanilla walked out of the house hand in hand with Onion, (as it was past her bedtime,) and you expected Adventurer to go with him.

"Adventurer...go with him..."
"Adventurer. Go. with. him."

I groaned in frustration.

He looked around at some family photos and stuff you didn't really want him to see. 

"You were really cute as a little cookie." He commented. Your face turned red from embarrassment as you choked on your soup.

 (good soup)

He looked closely at a picture of you with your mom.

There was silence, but you knew what he was gonna say next.

"Was your mom a milf?"


hiii! been thinking about making a danganronpa book, bc I am also obsessed with crk as well as danganronpa. idk but chapters are gonna slow down a bit since this week I'm starting some new classes I signed up for. anyway ily!

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