You give them a Tamagotchi (PREF/SCEN)

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(unedited dont bully me for mistakes pls ty)

So uhm for Easter my parents got me a tamagotchi and it brought me back to my very early days of like being 5 years old and waking up every morning to feed and take care of it. My last one broke and it's been almost 10 years so I nearly cried when I got this.

 My last one broke and it's been almost 10 years so I nearly cried when I got this

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This is what it looks like and this is the exact color I got.
If you don't know what these things are and didn't have a childhood they're basically these cute little guys in an egg and you feed them, take care of them, and play games with them until they evolve. At the final evolve stage you start all over. Depending on how you take care of them, you can get different kinds. They die if you neglect them though, so you need to take good care of the lil guys.

Since my entire childhood went up my ass on Easter, I thought it was only fair to write about it.



He would take AMAZING care of it. Every day when it'd evolve he'd show it off to you like:

"Hey! Look! I got this little guy! Look at how cute he is!"

Strawberry Cookie:
Oh my god she would treasure that little thing and take amazing care of it and be really sad when it'd die or leave after evolving fully.

Ninja Cookie:
he doesn't care. He'd probably let it die.

Angel Cookie:
They said something about how digital games and characters is a sin or something.

Muscle Cookie:
As soon as you gave him it, he accidentally crushed it in his hand.

Wizard Cookie:
Even though he's a the same age as Gingerbrave, you had to explain everything to him like 20x like he was a boomer.

Beet Cookie:
She would take okay care of it. When she has the free time she'd feed it once or twice.


Princess Cookie:
She would take it with her wherever she goes and take great care of it. Whenever it'd beep she'd check on it, and whenever it was sick she'd feel so guilty. I think she thinks it's real..

Knight Cookie:
He barely got the chance to take care of it until Princess stole it from him.

Cherry Cookie:
You think she gives af about some tiny egg when she could be EXPLODING IT? She would totally tie it to a firework and let it explode or something.

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