_*Bar night!*_

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No romantic interest for this one, just a little oneshot I thought of. You are also a fully grown adult who is allowed to drink and gamble for plot convenience

(edited and grammar checked so shit on my nonexistent dick if you see any new mistakes_

requested by my brain after playing a few poker games with my cousins.


1st person

"meet you at sparklings at 6pm"

"k bet. ill be there first idiot" I smiled at my own text message. 

"not a chance"

I turned off my JellyPhone (IDK IM UNCREATIVE) and sat it down on my bedstand. With one large sigh, I mustered the energy to lift myself up from my bed and get ready for the day.

I gazed over to my clock and sighed deeply. I have to wait a whole hour! What to do in the meantime..?

I looked around my room but found nothing interesting. As a last resort, I decided I'd play some video games.

----*time skip brought to you by the video game you played, Genshin Impact*----

Once ready, I head out the door. I could have a normal day, maybe check up on some friends, but no! today was a very special day. I wouldn't miss it for the world. FREE DRINKS! FREE DRINKS AT SPARKLINGS! YES! Sobriety doesn't matter today! Even some poker and texas hold-em! Off from work on a Friday night. All the guys at the bar were down for tonight, and sparkling even offered us to stay with him and Herb!! Not Mint Choco though, as he has Cocoa to help him get home.

I darted down the road while staring at my phone, barely paying any mind to my surroundings. It was 2 minutes past, and I knew he was probably already there.

Soon enough, I pushed open the door, and I was greeted by the usual smell of damp surroundings but a small light fragrance of flowers was also present. I knew that Herb was there and straightened up the place.

Flowers and plants were placed on the dining tables neatly. The place looked 10x better with the simple effort of putting down a few pots. I scanned the room, and to my surprise, I was first.

(it looks just slightly cleaner than Moe's bar from the simpsons)

"Ah, Y/n, perfect timing. Grab that broom for me and sweep over there, please. A pot fell over and Herb is crying in the back."

I smiled and nodded. Its the least I could do. I swept a pile of dirt up and put it in the trash. Herb came out from the back holding a plant. It clearly was potted recently.

"I saved it!" He cheered, smiling and holding it up in the air. Both me and Sparkling clapped for him. 

"You gonna gamble with us later?" I asked Herb.

"As long as I can bet my plants, sure! Its basically like giving them to new homes!"

"Erm- Well, then there's no risk-"

"SHHH just let him gamble the plants." Sparkling whispered to me.

"Oh- Yeah! Of course, you can." I smiled and he smiled back at me. Herb rarely ever gambled with us, so if it meant him even playing one round, he could gamble anything he wants to. 

Suddenly, Vampire burst through the door. 

"Heyyyyyy! Oh wait you're already here?" Vampire said, pointing to me.

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