They make a cake (PREF/SCEN)

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hi so just imagine like a baking show like hells kitchen or i think its called 'nailed it!' but just imagine a cooking show.

lets also pretend that baking a cake isn't similar to baking a cookie cuz they r like literally living cookies. ok? okay.




Would fail the first time, but say some inspirational quote and then do it perfectly the next time. 

Strawberry Cookie:

Would do it perfectly the first time. But the reason for this is because she spent altogether a full 30 minutes rereading the instructions on the back, trying to make sure every little bit was perfect. 

Angel Cookie
would pray in front of the cake, telling god to do it for her. lazy af. 

Muscle Cookie
would smash the cake the same way Wreck-it-ralph did when It didnt match the image on the front. You forced him clean every bit of the kitchen after that.

Wizard Cookie

would use his magic to do it, and even use a fire spell to heat it up in just seconds. mans should be in hells kitchen damn.

Beet cookie

would make the cake exactly how its meant, but cover it in all sorts of beets and beet flaored stuff. 

She also didn't allow you to eat it as its 'survival food'


Princess Cookie
made the most adorable little cake. She put a little figure girl on the top to make it look like the cake was her dress.

Knight Cookie
would make a cake based on princess cookie. lame af.

Cherry Cookie


Alchemist Cookie

the cake looked great, but it tasted like chemicals. uh oh.

Adventurer Cookie
failed miserably. the icing was all messed up. he clearly licked off some of it for a taste test. you couldn't even stand looking at it. It was shaped like a heart, like what was intended, but the icing was so poorly placed it looked like an afro hair style.

the most important part is that he tried ig?

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