-"its 1am..."- Alchemist Cookie x Reader

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requested by my brain and insirped by the headcanons i did for her :D


you looked at your phone and scrolled through multiple social platforms, sitting upright on the edge of your bed. "maybe ill check cookiegram again?" you closed out of Cookietube and clicked on Cookiegram, hoping for something new. 

(goal for this fanfic apparently??: try to change as many social platform names to cookie as possible)

You scrolled through the same old stuff again. It felt as though everything was the same, every day blended in. 

Alchemist hasn't come out of her cookie house for days. You couldn't help but feel incredibly lonely. You knocked on the door so many times, but only once did she ever respond. "Im busy with a project! ill be done soon! I promise!" that was 3 days ago. Shes never been one to stay isolated this long. At first, you thought and believed she was experimenting, but you weren't 100% sure anymore. 

Suddenly, you got a IMessage from someone. You read it silently. It was from Espresso cookie. Nothing too special. Hes always up at this hour. You struggle to sleep whenever you're without Alchemist, so he knows your up. 

You tap the notification and read his message.

"Have you seen Madeline?"

you snickered.

"..why do u care? do u have a little crushhhhhhhhhh?"

you saw he read it at soon as you sent it, and you noticed how he sat there for a few seconds looking at the message. you could feel his embarrassment through the screen.

"no I qanted to try a new micturr out"

"wanted* mixture*"

"i can tell when your embarrassed by text on a screen! wow, you are easy to read :)"

"Shut up!"

"fine fine, i saw him last at Sparklings bar. that was a few days ago..."

"wow you really are out of touch since she disappeared."

"she didn't disappear. she just wont come out."

"yeah yeah..mkay"

you put your hone on your bedside table and thumped onto your bed with a loud distressed sigh.

you burrowed under the covers and sighed. feeling blocked out from society. you closed your eyes and hoped for something interesting tomorrow. 

as you were about to drift off into a far away land, you heard a soft knock at the door.. you groaned loudly.

"Noooo. Go awayyyyyyyy" you said sluggishly, turning over in your bed, facing away from the door.

this time, they knocked louder. you got up with a sigh and turned the doorknob

"look okay... espresso, i dont have Madeleine camping out here-"

you froze, eyes meeting with the one and only alchemist cookie. 

"hey, y/n!"

you didn't want to take time to look at anything else, and you hugged her. Soon regretting it.

you felt a cold substance pressing against you. (DONT U DARE BE DIRTY MINDED!!)

you took a step back realize that there was a green goo now connecting you and alchemist cookie. 

"Uh...yeah uh sorry about that!"

"What did you do?" you questioned, poking the substance. "Its 1 am?!"

"Yeah, i thought i perfected it! and then i didn't.. and well it exploded and now my cookie house is covered, as am i." she said, clearly ashamed of her mistake. you laughed.

"aw fine. here i help you clean it up!"

"nonono, you dont need to do that! i just need some stain remover-"

you hugged her again 

"im just glad your done being isolated in your room. Come on, lets go."

you grabbed the stain remover from the bathroom and walked to her cookie house, hand in hand.



hey! my first oneshot! i wanted to make it up to you if you were dating or just really good friends! anyway, thank you sososo much for all these reads!! ily!

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