You turn into a child (PREF/SEN)

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please ignore any grammar mistakes. thank you!

requested by Fandomlove56

lets just say Dark Enchantress turned u into a baby ig?



He wouldn't know how to react. To be fair if my friend or s/o turned into a baby (instead of a child since yk he's already a child) I wouldn't know how to react

Strawberry Cookie:

Would at first be surprised, but then try her best to fix the situation while taking care of you and being as gentle with you as possible

Ninja Cookie:

HE WOULD BE SO CONFUSED. he would imminently try to get someone else to take care of you. He isn't great with children. He gets called a Teenage emo ninja turtle.

Angel Cookie:

The person Ninja cookie would call to take care of you. SOOO good with children. Would preach to you, but otherwise a great child caregiver.

Muscle Cookie: he would accidentally step on you or something. He would try to find someone to watch him take care of you.  They have to walk him through how to even hold you.

Wizard Cookie:

Would try to find a spell to fix you ASAP...while simultaneously doing magic tricks to keep you occupied. (that's so cuteeee)

Beet cookie:

Would take this as an opportunity to teach you how to farm properly, hoping that maybe the planting class will stay with you when you revert back to normal.


Princess Cookie:

Would show you off to Knight cookie. Probably find a swing or make a tire swing to play with you on until you revert back to normal.

Knight Cookie:

Would hand you to Princess cookie. Look above. yeah I'm uncreative.

Cherry Cookie:

Would carry you around like one of her bombs and chant "BOOM BOOM! I GOT A BABY AND IM NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!!!" and laugh hysterically.

Alchemist Cookie:

Would practice making special formulas to suit your needs. (MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE BE LIKE-)

Adventurer Cookie:

Would IMMIEDIETLY rush you to blackberry cookie, as she has had more experience with children.

Blackberry Cookie:

Would look confused, and pinch herself, thinking it was a dream. Once she came to terms with it all, she sat you down with Onion and had a tea party.

Gumball Cookie
The first thing you did was try to grab his paint gun. He got a brilliant idea. You guys ran around the kingdom painting things together.

Onion Cookie
You started crying first thing, and so she cried with you. yay.

Pancake Cookie
Would use this as an opportunity since his suit wasn't big enough for you as an adult cookie. You'd put on his little suit and he'd try to teach you to fly.

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