Vampire Cookie Hcs!

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vampire cookie is hot. fistfight me.

sadly I dont have him, but I think I did enough research for his personality!

requested by Meh_Sleepy_Head  (decided to do both requests!)


-whenever you guys drink together, you lock arms and drink together like this I forgot whats its called:

-whenever you guys drink together, you lock arms and drink together like this I forgot whats its called:

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like that kinda yk?i think newly wed couples do it. I'm not sure what its called but I think its really cute.

-when he's drunk, he has two moods:

"stay away from mEeee! i have a beautiful loverr"


"you look just like y/ I know u?"

-Often, you have to walk him home from Sparklings. he often even gets kicked out for trying to fight sparkling when he put a cap on his drinking amount. Kinda reminds me of homer and moe from the simpsons.

-you ALWAYS pay for his bar tab. you've secretly been keeping track of how much he owes you. so one day you can blackmail him. 

-you barely ever get drunk with him, as you are the designated walker. Whenever you do get wasted though, you have an awesome time and don't remember anything. you usually have to ask sparkling what happened. poor sparkling.

-Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) by Katy perry is literally HIS THEME SONG "its a blacked-out blur but I'm pretty sure it ruled! damn! last friday night"

-would be the very sarcastic type. he makes sarcastic comments without even knowing it. you arent really sure what he's being genuine about. 

-he is a DUMBASS. doesnt understand shit. thats why you need to keep a thurough watch on him when going out for adventures. he would probably just walk right in front of the enemy with his fists up, not understanding anything. 

-he gets any chance to but into any conversation and say "i need a drink." you could be talking about a cookie dying and he wouldnt give a single fuck. "i need a drink" "i need a drink""i need a drink" when will it ever be "i dont need a drink" huh?!

-this man gets so many different drinks on his outfits. thats why whenever he was out and wouldnt tell you where you was, you simply have to example his jacket or shirt to see for spills. you recognize every kind of drink. on some occasions you even notice crumbs from specific cookies. you have a keen eye for when you need it.

-he may seem like the type who doesnt care, and he really doesnt. but for you.. he cares for you.  the group (herb, sparkling, mint) have all witnessed how he softens up around you. you dont really notice the difference.

-since while drunk, he tells EVERYTHING to sparkling, and if he tells sparkling something threatening to your relationship, sparkling will call you up and tell you about it. hes a really great help. that usually never happens though. 

-one time while he was drunk passed out on the floor, you drew little mustche on his face. he walked around the entire kingdom completely unaware of it for hours. Herb cookie had to break it to him when everyone else at the bar was too busy laughing. 



Hey! Another one down! been busy with school and studying and the chapters are starting to slow down. Tryna keep a steady uploading schedule. ily!


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