chapter 1

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September 1st (Tuesday)

        I carried my trunk filled with all my things and walked down the platform. Platform 9 ¾, the magic train platform for Hogwarts. I'd be attending Hogwarts for the first time this year, as a sixth year student. My twin brother and older brother, Mattheo and Tom Riddle have attended here for years. I've been attending Beauxbatons Academy of Magic alone for my life. Now, I get to stay with them again and find them here. Unfortunately, I spent the summer with my relatives in Scotland and couldn't make it back until late last night. Meaning, I had to wait and meet my brothers here right before the train ride. Speaking for finding them here, where the fuck are they?

        I continued walking down the platform until I saw the familiar backs of two boys. One slightly taller than the other with dark brown hair that flipped over the edge of his forehead. The other, with a mop of loose curly hair of the exact same color. They were standing away from me, indulging in a conversation. Holy shit. My brothers are right in front of me again. I made my way to their positions and tapped both their inner shoulders

"This is the platform for Hogwarts, right? Sometimes I get a little lost."

        They both whipped around upon hearing my voice. Their faces were hilarious, happiness, shock, excitement all in one. "Ry!" They both exclaimed, wrapping their arms around my neck and back. I gave into the hug and looked over my brothers. Both their dark brown eyes scanned me as well. "You're back finally. I've missed your dumb face since you stayed with Bellsy for the summer." Mattheo told me, smiling.

        I smiled back, "Well, you see a pretty damn similar one when you look in the mirror every day. We are identical twins, you know that right?" This earned me a laugh from Tom. "You haven't changed one bit. Happy to see you little sis." Tom patted my head and Mattheo glared at us both. "I missed you guys too. A lot, rather I'd want to admit it. I'm honestly excited to be here." I told them, holding in the full excitement. No offense to Bellsy, but she's too controlling for my taste. Bellsy is our cousin, she's as old as our aunt and uncle though. Bellsy is fun and cool until any minor inconvenience happens. Then she's in full control freak mode.

       Now, time to get on this train. Tom told us bye and left to find his friend's compartment. "You'll like my friends. They'll probably like you too." Mattheo explained to me. He's written to me about the basics of his friend group and all that, not nearly enough to make any judgments of them yet. I followed Mattheo down the aisle until we reached a compartment filled with two girls and three guys.

       "Ay! Riddle, we thought you'd never show. Is that the famous twin?" The bleach blonde haired boy yelled out. He was sitting between a dark skinned boy and a lightly tanned boy. The blonde himself was pale and had ice blue eyes. "Famous? I wish. Imagine me on the cover of some muggle magazine." I laughed, posing. "And a sense of humor. I like her already." A blonde short-haired girl said. She was sitting across from the dark skinned boy.

      The next girl over has black straight hair pulled into a neat ponytail. She looked like she hated me already. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." The pale blonde boy introduced, smiling at me. The tanned boy wouldn't make eye contact with me. He was hot, mysterious, and my type of guy. His hair was a chestnut brown, messily thrown about his head. His eyes were light blue, not the icy type of Draco's though.

       "Blaise Zabini." The dark skinned boy said. The blonde girl was next, "Im Laney Luckmore. I heard we're roommates this year. So you'll see a lot of me." She seemed sweet. The black haired girl didn't speak up and earned a nudge from Laney. "Pansy Parkinson." She glared at me. What the hell did I do? "Theodore Nott. It's Theo though." Theo. I like it.     

        "I'm Ry, well Rylin." Mattheo nodded for me to sit next to Pansy and he sat next to Theo. "You never mentioned your sister was hot, Riddle." Theo chuckled, smirking up at the group. Our eyes finally met. My brother's face turned to disgust and that sent Draco and Theo into laughter. Draco got himself together within seconds and slapped Theo's arm. They both shut up when Mattheo started to talk.

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