chapter 40

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December 14, 1997 (wednesday)

        Today is Theo's birthday. The first birthday we've had that we could celebrate together. But of course we can't actually because I'm here, hiding out in Tom's house while he's off in Scotland at Hogwarts. This is just making me miss him more.

        Weirdly, he hasn't reached out nearly as much as he usually does, he takes longer to respond, and he doesn't write nearly as much.

        It's like he's boycotting me in some way. I have no idea why either.


It can't be because of Draco.

       Bellatrix wouldn't have reached out to anyone while she's wanted too. She wouldn't say anything.

        I have, though, gotten countless letters from Laney. She tells me things going on at school and asks a million questions about how I'm doing.

        Even Blaise has written a couple to us now. The letters come in for all three of us, Draco's even written that he's gotten a few letters addressed to me to his house.

        Her most recent letter talked about our friend group, or at least what's left of it. Laney is clearly distraught about how we all just disappeared.


It's Laney, again. Please just write back to me already. Assuming you've gotten any of my letters. I write all I can, but I don't know if you even see them because you don't write back. I just want to know what's going on. And the truth too.

Are you even alive? Are you dead? I wouldn't know. I just hope that everytime I send out a letter, the owl does its magic and gets it to you.

I know you guys are death eaters for sure now. I've seen all the news, the reports, everything. You're on the top wanted list for Merlin's sake. Everyone's searching and asking around if anyone has seen you guys.

We also know that you killed Dumbledore. Or at least that's what people say. Everyone says that you and Mattheo killed him the night you guys disappeared. Which, I could understand. You two were just gone that night and magically reappear after the whole thing is over? You two were clearly out of it and then just ditch.

School is a wreck. With Snape leading and McGonal behind him, it's stricter here. We have specific curfews, we're not allowed to wander outside, it's crazy. We're supposed to stay inside the building at all times and not wander.

Some kids are leaving because they're being pulled by their families. It's not safe anymore for a lot of people.

Theo and Enzo are weird too. It's like Theo doesn't even care that you're missing. He acts like he barely notices. He obviously misses you but he won't admit that it's weird you guys are gone. I can tell he's upset about it though, especially this past week. He's been acting weirder than normal, almost like he's angry about something.

I tried to ask what happened and he just yelled at me to mind my fucking business. Somethings definitely off.

Does he know you're a death eater? Well, he does now for sure, but did he before? Or did you keep it from him too? And Draco? He's one too? Did you all know before or what? Was it a plan to run away as a group? Did Theo even know you were leaving?

I feel like he did because he didn't seem surprised at all when you were just gone. Enzo for sure did because he told me you were sorry and needed to go deal with
"family things".


And! Did you cheat on Theo with Draco or something? Because I asked Enzo and Theo if they heard from any of you and Theo got pissed about Draco being brought up. This was just like four days ago too. I'm mostly kidding by the way. Unless you did, then not cool. But I know you wouldn't do that. Well maybe I don't because I don't fucking seem to know you that well at all.

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