chapter 45

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April 4, 1998 (tuesday)

I was at the Gaunt Manor again by force. Another death eater meeting made us all arrive promptly. Voldemort wanted to solidify his plans over the course of the entire day.

The meeting has breaks here and there for private conversation between my father and his special servants.

This break, it was late. It's almost 10:00 PM and we're all still stuck here.

I'm tired and ready to go back home, aka Tom's house.

I walked out of the bathroom in the back of the main floor, away from all the other death eaters. No one really knows that bathroom exists, so it's more of a break from all these people.

"Just who I wanted to find. Rylin Riddle. My son's supposed new best friend."

I froze and scanned the man in front of me.

Lucius Malfoy.

I don't think I've ever actually spoken to him before.

"It's Ry." I told him, walking around him to go back to find my friends.

"I wasn't done." He scolded, putting his staff in front of me across the hallway.

My eyes widened at the stick blocking my path.

What the hell is happening?

"What do you want then?" I asked. I'm definitely not scared of him. I leaned against the wall to make that even more apparent.

"One of two things. You and Draco could be married and carry our family names to the top. Or, you can stay out of my son's life. I don't need to deal with you turning my son rogue against me. Nor my wife."


I laughed. Like actually laughed at this guy.

"I have a boyfriend, buddy. And I'm pretty sure I can speak to whoever I want to. That includes Narcissa and Draco. I have a better idea. How about you stop fucking with Draco and leave them the fuck alone." I suggested, smiling at him.

Lucius' face got red.

He's sensitive, hm?

"You dare speak to me this way? You're a filthy mudblood child that doesn't know her place. You should be honored that I'd ever offer our pure blood to your dirty hand." He spit, slamming his staff against the floor.

I think it's time I go.

I tried to leave again, this time almost getting smacked with the staff.

"I dare speak to you however I want to. I'm pretty sure I'm the daughter of the Dark Lord, which makes me even more powerful than you." I told him, still keeping my head up.

Maybe I'm a little scared of him.

"You stupid girl." He seethed.

I was pissing him off. Maybe this is a bad idea.

Lucius held his staff and pulled out his wand, pointing it at me. We were still only a few feet apart.

I reached for my own wand and felt an empty pocket.

Oh, shit.

Where the hell is my wand?

My face dropped as Lucius stared at me. "Something wrong? You wouldn't happen to be stuck in a distant corner of the manor without protection right?" He smiled.

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