chapter 24

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March 5, 1997 (saturday morning)
Mattheo POV

"Ry and him have history, don't tell me you forgot." I said, tilting my head towards Tom. All of us except Ry and Theo were in the common room. I'm guessing they're together off somewhere. That or Theo's off with his dick friends and Ry's off with George Weasley. Either is possible.

"I wouldn't forget that. It's hard to forget such a huge coupley thing for our sister."

"What do you mean such a huge couple?" Draco asked, joining our conversation. I knew everyone could hear us if they tried, I just wasn't sure who was paying attention.

"Enzo and Ry were best friends since they were like 8. His family is really close to our cousin Bellsy, who Ry lived with. They started dating during 3rd year, at like 12. They dated young, not super serious. They grew together and it turned into a serious thing. They broke up at the end of last school year."

I took a breath to check if he understood so far. Everyone seemed to be listening now.

"They've always been together. Rather it was a friendship or relationship. I've heard even at home during breaks and such they were. Enzo lives in France near our aunt."

They were inseparable. Not even in a bad way.

"They were powerful together in a sense. Neither hurt the other and they just worked. They weren't toxic and rarely even argued." Tom added.

"That doesn't mean she'll leave Theo because he's here right?" Blaise asked.

That's the question I've been contemplating since yesterday when I saw them together.

"Haven't you seen him? He's hot. I wouldn't blame her either way." Pansy exclaimed. Merlin, she's dumb sometimes.

Ry and Enzo have a long history, one no one really knows all the details of. They figured out everything together. Everything she knows about relationships is from him. Seeing them together made me realize how attached they are. It's a crazy level of attachment.

Years and years of it built up. And it's all back now. I could tell Ry was in some sort of bubble when she saw him. I just hope her and Theo are strong enough to overpower it.

Blaise was glaring at Pansy, a rare occurrence.

"What are you guys talking about?" Theo asked, waltzing into the room from the main hall. We all exchanged a quick glance.

"Potions class. The new lesson is confusing for a lot of people." Draco lied. He's the smartest guy I know, why does he even bother? I looked at Theo and nodded. Everyone else nodded too, totally convincing enough.

We all sat in silence, Theo looking at us all, examining our faces. He knows something is up.

"Just tell him. He'll find out eventually." Blaise said, breaking the silence.

"Tell me what?"

Well, shit.

"It's about Ry." Draco continued.

Theo looked concerned, "What about her? Is she ok?"

Actually, where is she even? She has to be with George if not with Theo. "Her ex is here. He transferred to Hogwarts yesterday." Tom told him calmly.


"Lorenzo Berkshire, you might recognize the name." Theo and Draco met eyes.

"What?" Laney asked, all of us watching them have a conversation with their eyes.

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