chapter 6

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September 18 (saturday , continued)

        Theo opened my door and led me inside, not even shutting it before he started to kiss me again. Maybe it's just because we're drunk. But are we drunk? I can't say I've seen Theo touch even a cup with alcohol this whole night. His lips moved from mine as we backed up into my door, me reaching to shut it and turn the lock. His lips trailed down my neck.


        One hand was on the back of my thigh and pulling it up to his hip. My skirt barely stayed down with my legs spread apart. Theo didn't seem to care though, he just leaned against me, still holding my leg up to his hips.

        His waist was pressed into mine, moving with his body. I could feel his boner rubbing against my pussy.

        "Nott..." I moaned, not even able to control it. He definitely had experience with pleasing girls, even just with kissing. Somehow he managed to get my shirt off between kissing me and left me in my bra and skirt. He had on a plain shirt that I also managed to get off earlier. Holy fuck, he's hot. I mean I knew he was before, but his body is muscular, not to the point where it's crazy, just perfect.

        Theo stopped and glanced down at my chest, so surprising. "Like what you see, Riddle?" He asked me, snapping me out of the trance I hadn't realized I was even in. "Not as much as you seem like." Our eyes locked for a second, both of us smirking. "Get on the bed." He commanded me, unzipping the back of my skirt. The fabric fell to the floor and I did as I was told. Theo crawled on top of me and let me undo his belt and pants' zipper.

        He kissed my exposed collarbones and down my chest, sliding his fingers under the waistband of my underwear. Once we both were fully naked, minus my bra, he moved my legs further apart and aligned himself with me. I flinched slightly as he entered, adjusting to the size. Let's just say it was not small.

        The whole time he stayed on top, moving his body over mine while he let me kiss his neck every few minutes. I saw the dark pink spots growing on his skin. Shit. Hopefully no one thinks they could possibly be from me.

        After a while of that, we ended up laying on my bed, taking a second to regroup ourselves. It didn't take long before he was up and redressing. "This is nothing against our friendship, right?" I asked him, putting my underwear and a pair of shorts from my table back on.

        "It won't change a thing. No one needs to hear about it. Unless you want to show off that you've slept with me." I scoffed and stepped away from my dresser. "Not sure if it's really worth showing off." He's so full of himself. Whether he's hot or not, he doesn't have the right to be so stuck up.

        "You pretend you don't want me. You're just like every other girl here. Just because you're good at hiding it, doesn't mean I can't tell." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Goodnight, Nott." I said, turning back to my bed. I may have thought he was hot but I'm not like everyone else. I don't just want to hook up with Theo Nott. Well... at least not anymore.


        She had hickies all over her neck and chest when I left. Hopefully no one realizes they're from me. I'm not ashamed of having sex with anyone, especially not someone like Ry. I ran back up to my own dorm and unlocked it. I shut the door behind me and walked to my bed.

        "Why do you always have to be so damn loud coming in?" Draco yelled, sitting up from his bed. "I'll try harder next time." I told him, setting down my wand and heading to the bathroom. "Where even were you? You look like a bloody mess."

        I ducked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Shit, I do look sort of messy. My hair was sticking out funny and I had dark spots down the side of my neck. "I was with a girl and had some fun. You should try it some time." I replied to him, rinsing my face under the water. "I do, just not by screwing with girls. Girls don't deserve me." It's probably because no one wants to fuck him. "It's way more fun to let them know they're not good enough to keep you." I continued to wash my face as he spoke.

        "So who's this lucky girl of the night?" Does he really want an answer to that? There's no way he doesn't already have an idea of who. "You know her really well. You two are close." I started to dry my face with a towel as I popped out of the bathroom to see his reaction. Draco was sitting up now, thinking.

        "You fucking hooked up with Ry, didn't you?" I laughed at his reaction.

        "A hm." I stepped back into the bathroom.

        "I'm shocked it actually happened. I told Ry to stay out of this dorm, she's a good person for letting me sleep." He knew before it even happened. This asshole. "Now you know who I'm going to sleep with ahead of time? Great."

        "So are you two going to be all weird now that you've hooked up?" Draco asked. Doesn't he want to go back to sleep? He doesn't usually bother asking about girls I've slept with. "No, Riddle plays the same way I do. No strings, no connections." I couldn't care was about any of the girls that I've had sex with. I don't get weird when I see them or anything. That's something they always end up doing.

September 20 (monday)

        We were all sitting in our normal spot in the Great Hall for dinner. The whole group all together. Ry was telling stories about when her and Mattheo were younger, laughing and clearly having a good time. I just sat silently and listened. Her hair bounced with every laugh and she constantly pushed it backwards with her hands. Whenever she's getting to the climax of her stories, she pushes down her smile.

         She really is hot, pretty too. Her face structure and features match Mattheo's almost exactly. I've never noticed how identical they really look until now, seeing them directly next to each other laughing and acting the same. Ry is just the very feminine pretty version of Mattheo.

        Ry would glance over at me every few sentences, shooting her eyes away when I caught them. Everyone else was too busy listening to even notice.

        "Are you sure there's no strings attached?" Draco whispered, cutting off my thoughts. "I don't do relationships, neither does Riddle." I kept my eyes on Ry. I have an excuse, she's the one talking. You should always look at who's speaking. "You didn't say no. Do you want a relationship with her?" Draco pried, ignoring my hint of not wanting to talk about it. "I don't do them. I don't want them. It wouldn't matter." I hissed.

        "That's a yes then. You like Ry Riddle." I snapped my eyes at Draco. "I don't like her like that. I'd never like a girl like Ry anyways." Ry is great in all but I just don't care. I don't have feelings for her. "I understand why you'd like her. She's super pretty, really fun, just an enjoyable person." Draco went on, tormenting me. I glared at him. "I don't. I don't give a shit about her." I fought back.

        "Fine. Then you wouldn't mind if I ask her out? Unless George Weasley does it first. I've seen them together a few times now." George Weasley? Bloody hell, what? I scanned the Gryffindor table until I found the Weasley twins. I can't tell them apart and quite honestly don't care to.

        "She would never fuck a Gryffindor. Or date one." My jaw clenched as I spoke. She wouldn't fucking do it.

        "You just proved my point. By the way, I don't want to date Ry. I'm happy with her being my very close friend only." Draco claimed. I wouldn't be surprised if he liked her, they spend all their time together nowadays it seems like. "Good. She'd be crazy to date you when she could get any guy at this school that she wants."

      I turned back to the group, preventing the conversation from continuing. They were talking about some class work. I do wonder though, could Rylin Riddle even get me?

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