chapter 21

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February 1, 1997 (tuesday)

        I love being in a relationship with Theo. We're constantly at each other's sides and something about always having a boyfriend around again just makes me feel really good.

        Everyone knows we're dating now pretty much. When I'm alone with Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Ron attempt to ask me about it. I told them the truth, that Theo and I are together. It's not worth trying to hide it.

       I saw Noah the other day and he seemed pissed. Probably because I was next to Theo and he knew we made it official. Noah doesn't scare me anymore, my heart rate does go up when I see him but nothing I can't handle. I try to be around Theo or Draco as much as I can when I'm not in a class to avoid seeing him alone. I can only imagine what he'd say to me.

       Sometimes I'll be in the hall with Draco or just talking to someone else when Theo will come up to me. He kisses me, not just like a peck. Like full on holds my waist and does it. I think it's whenever he's bored or maybe when he misses me. I think he likes the fact that he can do that now. That he can just have someone that is his no matter where we are. I think it's hot, the random kisses and protectiveness. I don't mind it at all.

       Talking to George about it was the hardest. I had to wait for Theo to be at Slytherin quidditch practice. George already knew before I said anything but made it clear there were no hard feelings. He was happy for me.

       Theo totally hates the idea of us still talking but he can suck it up. I want Theo and that's that.

February 15, 1997 (Tuesday)

      Theo and I have been separated in all our classes because we're too distracting. We've been together for almost a month now, but it feels like way longer. I get it to a point, we laugh a lot,

      Theo spends the whole period staring at me, and I get distracted by him easily. It makes sense why we were separated but I wish we weren't. Theo is still super protective over me. I used to be open to boys flirting with me and me flirting with them. I don't do it now, of course, but boys still talk to me. Most of them aren't stupid enough to flirt because they know Theo will probably blow a fuse.

       Now he comes up to me and touches my waist or kisses me if a guy even looks at me for too long. The other day, I was talking to Cedric, Jackson, and Levi, a group of Hufflepuffs in the year above us. Theo came out of nowhere and wrapped an arm around my waist and held me close to his side. He was clearly hinting for them to choose their next words wisely. Cedric would never make an advance on me anyways, he's too chill and close to Tom.

       Today, I'm sitting in charms. I sit next to Mattheo now, since we're apparently better behaved. The professor says we aren't distracting. All we do is bully each other randomly.

       All the tables seat 2 people, facing the front of the room. Laney sits in row 4, 2 tables from the left. Theo is in row 3, first table on the left. I'm in row 2, third from the left.

       Theo sits next to Ron which is hilarious. Hermione and Harry sit at the table directly next to him. Those lucky ducks. I can always feel Theo staring at me during class.

        Professor was lecturing as I glanced back to see him staring. I smiled and waved slightly. Theo smiled back and looked at the lecture again. I turned back but found myself sneaking glances back at him.

       This time, I caught Laney's eye. She mouthed, "You love birds are so bad." I mouthed "No." back and Theo looked at us too. Theo and Laney started to whisper and he rolled his eyes at her.

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