chapter 33

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July 31, 1997 (sunday, continued)

        I heard a quiet sniffle and saw a drop of water hit her arm. My eyes went to her face, seeing tears running down her pink cheeks.

        I dropped my old on her wrist and wrapped my arms around her upper back, pulling her body toward me.

I didn't know what to say.

About any of it.

        "I wanted to tell you the whole time. I never wanted to hide it all." She was sobbing now.


        This is not my strong suit. Especially not when she's crying. Or I'm put in the place where I have to process this for myself too.

        I didn't know how to react.

        My girlfriend, daughter of Voldemort himself, is a death eater.

         I should've expected this from the beginning. It never even crossed my mind that he'd find his children first.

        "It's ok... Shh..." I whispered, her body limp against mine. Her body was shaking from crying.

       "He's in Belfast." She said, catching her breath. I drew my arms from her back and sat to look at her.

        "Who's in Belfast?" The Gaunt Manor is in Belfast. Where Mattheo, Tom, and Ry all live.

        "Voldemort. My father. He's alive and well. I've met him." I pulled back further, staring at her.

        She's known he's been back this whole time? Not only that, but she's talked to him?

She's hid it all. Holy shit.

She's been lying to me this whole summer.

She's probably been directly involved in all the attacks I've heard about.

        The festival attacked just a couple weeks ago. The attacks at the ministry. In the towns.

        "He has a huge army. He wants to wipe out all impure wizards." She started to ramble on about the goal behind him.

        "What do you mean? Ry, how do you know all this?" That's a stupid question. She's clearing a part of it, of course she'd know.

        "There's meetings in my house every few days. Tons of people show up and he tells everyone what to do and any updates. They're all very loyal to him... He wants to kill Harry Potter, Theo."

        Harry Potter? The 'chosen' boy? This is all crazy, but I don't even care right now.

        "Are you ok? Is he hurting you?" She paused and looked down at her dark mark.

I swear to Merlin.

        "No, I'm fine. He can't know about us. He'll kill you out of spite. He doesn't like love. Or believe in it. He thinks it's all fake and a trap." She was rambling again.

        "I can't let you be alone in this. I don't give a shit." She's not going to just pretend I don't know. "I'm not alone. I have Mattheo and Tom. And there's-"

She covered her mouth, stopping herself.

         "Who else? Berkshire and who else?"

        Who the fuck is involved else? I'm betting Enzo is for sure.

        "Yes, Enzo. And the Malfoys. Draco's dad is especially close with Voldemort." His dad is known to be a piece of shit. But his mom too? She's harmless.

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