chapter 44

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March 21, 1998 (tuesday)

        Our days at Hogwarts have gone on for about two months.

        I think of it as a normal routine now, we go to Hogwarts early in the morning, sit in the dungeons all day, and get sent home late and night.

        I'm already sick of today, I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night because I had the nightmares again for the first time in months.

        They kept me awake, flashes of the scene making me sweat. But it was all fake.

        It was a dream and no one even knows where Tom's house is.

No one can get there.

        I have no idea what time it is. We've been here for at least a few hours and have had quite a few annoying students.

       Mattheo and I have worked out some kind of ritual, where we take turns on them.

We feed off each other's energy.

        I heard the familiar scuffling and talking coming down to the dungeons. It was a girl's voice. She sounded mad and not at all crying. She wasn't scared.


It can't be who I think it is.

        Fenrir came in again, dragging a blonde haired girl. Her hair was in a bun on the back of her head, strands falling out from every side.

        I froze in place when she finally looked up at us.


        Her eyes showed fury. She wasn't scared to be here. She was ready to fight us.

But I can't fight her.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't even raise my wand.

        "Have fun, bitch." Fenrir told her, pushing her towards us.

I took a breath.

Not Laney.


        Everything I've built up was gone. I can't do this. I almost ran to her. I haven't seen Laney since October. Since before Dumbledore died.

I wanted to cry.

She looks tired.

        "What did you do?" I asked, not able to do much else.

        "I'm not letting these assholes take over Hogwarts. Including you two. I want to fucking fight instead of shit like this!" She yelled at us.

So she's bold too.

She's going to get herself killed.

        I stayed silent. So did Mattheo.

Neither of us knew how to react.

       "Your behavior is excused." I said, turning to Mattheo. "We were told not to touch this girl. The Dark Lord will have us both killed if we disobey." I explained, panic rising in my throat.

        Mattheo turned to me like I was crazy. Even with his body and head fully covered, I could tell he was confused.

        "I'm not going to get on the Dark Lord's children's bad side because of this." I continued.

Mattheo, get the fucking hint.

        "Of course. I forgot about this one." Mattheo twirled his wand in his fingers.

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