chapter 22

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February 19, 1997 (Saturday-continued)

"Why the hell are you making me go near the diseased one? I don't want to be bloody sick!" Draco complained. I could hear him from inside the bathroom.

"She's not actually sick! I've said that like a million times." Theo responded. The boys started to bicker as I washed my hands.

"I'm going to get sick just from being here." Draco complained more. "No you won't. I'm not even sick, you idiot." I said, coming up behind the boys. Draco was standing against the wall dramatically and Theo was standing with his arms crossed.

"Riddlette, I swear on the bloody school-"

Draco froze when he saw me. "What the fuck?" Theo announced he was leaving but I don't think Draco even noticed.

"Did you get in a fight?" Draco looked more concerned than normal which is definitely weird.

"Ginny Weasley punched me yesterday. I've been hiding since but Theo caught me." I explained quickly.

"That Weasel girl is going to get her ass kicked. Those daft Gryffindors can't act like that. Not towards Slytherins. Not towards my friends. Not with you." He sounded angry, back to his normal self. But there was clearly more than a hint of care in his voice.

"Draco... Theo agreed to let it go. That means you will too." I started, hoping my calmness would pass to my friend. "Then he's the bloody daft idiot. I'm finding those golden trio kids and telling them what Potter's little lover girl did."

This can only get worse. How long until George hears?

"Draco! Listen to me... I don't want to give this attention. I'm fine. It's not a huge deal. Please just leave it alone."

I held his arm, trying to get his head to listen. He's not even paying attention to what I'm actually saying. "If I see them, I'm saying something. To those Weasley twins too."

Um... no.

Eventually, I got Draco to calm down and he went downstairs to our group and announced what happened. That fucking bitch. So now the whole friends group and anyone who overheard is aware of the situation.

I almost find it weird he came to see me. He's been busy lately. Over the past few months he's been disappearing often. He says he has stuff to do and leaves it at that. If we ask what he's doing, he ignores us and gets defensive. He's been more distant recently and more stressed. He barely spends any time with us and always seems to be in some sort of panic.


Draco, Theo, and I all decided we'd go for a walk after dinner. We're bored and it's Laney and Blaise's anniversary. We're letting them have as much time alone as possible. We were just going through the school since it's still cold outside, but still better than nothing.

As we walked, I stood between the boys. Theo whispered some comment into my ear every few things Draco talked about that made me giggle.

I looked around as we walked and I listened to Draco and Theo talk, seeing all the groups of people in the halls. I'm happy I'm here with these people instead of at preppy Beauxbatons.

My gaze stopped when I saw a pair of tall gingers walking the opposite direction than us. I followed their path and saw Ginny and Harry coming to meet them. Oh shit. Maybe the boys won't see them.

"I still think that game was rigged. We should've won by a long shot... Draco?" Theo gave up on speaking when Fraco started to wander away in the twins' direction.

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