chapter 38

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October 5, 1997 (wednesday)

Tomorrow is the day my twin brother and I commit murder on our headmaster.

Possibly, the last day of our lives if it goes poorly. I'm trying to be as normal as possible, including studying. No one will suspect anything if I'm going about with my life.

I sat in the library reading through a textbook and taking notes. I should still finish my homework assignments no matter what the context is.

"Oh, hello Ry. I haven't seen you for so long." A whimsical voice echoed. I looked up to see the curly blonde staring down at me.

"Hey, Luna." I replied, smiling.

A lot of people think she's crazy, but I think she's really nice. I love Luna in a casual way.

"And how have you been? I haven't found the time to talk to you for a while." Luna asked, smiling back at me.

"I'm ok. Pretty tired of school already."

"You have the aura of stress. I hope you'll try some herbal teas I've made recently for calming down... Can I ask you a question?" She softened her eyes and sat down across from me at the table.

Maybe some tea would be nice. I nodded and awaited her question.

"Are you one too?"

I blinked.

"One what?"

She couldn't mean...

"A death eater."

Luna kept smiling and spoke in the most natural tone ever. I held my breath.

How in the...

"I've seen you rub your arm quite often. You also seem very uncomfortable always wearing long sleeves."

Is it that obvious?

Am I that transparent?

It's just Luna, she noticed weird things.

No one else does.

I stared at her.

How am I supposed to react to that?

"Luna... Where did you hear that? Who said that to you? Who else is one you know?" I stammered as I thought.

What do I fucking say?


Why the hell did I say else?

I just blew my cover.

"You don't need to hide anything from me. I won't tell anyone. I know Draco Malfoy is. And perhaps your brothers. I believe Theo Nott and Lorenzo Berkshire as well."

She knows all of us are.

How the fuck?

"Luna, you can't tell anyone. Please. I- I can't let you tell anyone."

This is when the panic starts to set in. Someone knows about us all. She could expose all of us, turn us in.

"Ry! I will not tell a soul, living or dead. I promise you that."

For some reason, Luna knowing made me feel better. I know she won't tell anyone. She's not a liar, she's very genuine.

"Thank you. I have to go. Don't tell the others you know. You'll be in trouble, I'm sure." I told her quickly, picking up my books and parchment and running out of the library.

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