chapter 34

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August 4, 1997 (thursday)

        Theo's adjusted better than I thought he would. He's officially a death eater.

        Bellatrix ate him up as soon as she saw him, making a huge scene. Narcissa was interested to meet him, being kind as always. Everyone else was normal.

       Theo has even started to talk to Enzo already. They're not friends, or choice talkers. But they will talk to each other if they're nearby.

        I'm pretty sure they had some sort of fight earlier today because they both stomped around like children after being alone together. Luckily, it wasn't physical. But something went down.

       Today was our first meeting with Theo and Alex here. Voldemort welcomed them and thanked Tiberius for bringing his sons into the group.

It made me sick.

       Theo and I decided we wouldn't tell any of the other death eaters that we were dating.

       Narcissa is the only person other than my friends that knows. We thought it'd be safer.

        I fear that with Voldemort's reputation of thinking love is fake, we'd be doomed. He'd punish me or him.

        I'm just hoping Tiberius doesn't rat us out. I know he will, I'm just not sure when. He's my dad's lap dog so it'll be soon.

       Another positive, Theo is very close to me. He sticks to my side and makes sure I'm never alone. He's gone on a singular mission but it wasn't too serious. He didn't leave my side once. He made it very clear to Enzo he was taking over.

       Theo and I both sleep in my room, so the nightmares have been staying away. It's amazing how much he calms me. I'm starting to really get my energy back.


       Today we also got introduced in detail to the Weasley wedding attack. It's in nine days. That's barely any time. I'm back stronger than before, so I'm at a better version of my potential.

       Bellatrix was especially happy about that. She cheers and laughs now when I do spells.

       It makes me cringe when I hear her screeching, but I appreciate not being yelled at for not doing well enough.

        We're supposed to mob them as the after party starts. This way, they can't possibly suspect anything. They'd expect us to attack in the beginning if anything, not in the middle.

       Theo isn't allowed to go though, they don't think he's ready yet. Theo was pissed, he argued with me and the others about how he can't just sit around in the manor while we are out risking our lives.

       None of us can control it, that's just how it is. We listen to Voldemort and don't disagree.


August 13, 1997 (saturday)

       Today's the day. The day we attack the Weasley wedding. The wedding is Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley's. I used to know Fleur from Beauxbatons though we never talked much.

       I woke up in Theo's arms, as I have for the past couple weeks. He was still asleep, with his arm draped around my waist.The sun shone into my room.

      I have to get up and get ready for the day. I need to be prepared for this. This is our biggest mission yet, and probably the worst.

      So many people's lives are at stake. George's life is at stake. His family too. I heard there's a few other classmates attending the wedding too. Hermione, Ron, and Harry will be there for sure. That is the whole point of us attacking.

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