chapter 4

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September 5 (saturday)

Draco and I have gotten close quite fast. He's still super uptight about everything and likes to joke around, but I think I'm cracking him. I get along pretty well with the whole friend group but really hit it off with Laney and Draco. Laney tells me she's surprised Draco is even open to hanging around me anymore than when we're all together. He usually doesn't like new people or anyone that's not preexisting know this group. So I'm lucky, I guess.

Draco and I have walked back from care of magical creatures every day, only three but still, while Laney and Blaise run off to who knows where. I can't believe I've only been here for less than a week and I already feel this at home with it all.

Laney, Blaise, Draco, and I were walking in the courtyard of Hogwarts today so I could see more of the area. It's still decently nice outside so that's a bonus. The property is actually really nice. The forest is way off on one side and the rest is pretty big too. We're supposed to go swimming tomorrow in the Lake here.

"So, how do you like it here?" Laney asked. "I really like it. I just wish boys would back off." Not that I don't like the attention, but the guys here have been on my ass the whole week. I don't even know any of them and they find a way to talk to me. I think it's sort of creepy. Most of them only care because I'm a Riddle and attractive enough where they'll try and solve their hardness problems with me. Ew, men. I do love the attention at the same time though. Knowing everyone wants something to do with you makes you feel really fucking good about yourself.

"Zabini! Malfoy! Luckmore!" A boy yelled from down a path. He was walking up to us with two more boys. The boy had lighter dirty blonde hair that was parted in the middle. "Telling." Blaise replied, all of us in a circle type shape. "Mind introducing me to your new friend?" He asked, scanning me. "Ry Riddle. And you are?" I am not getting treated like some minority figure where I need to be introduced. I can speak for myself.

The blonde boy grinned towards his friends and stepped towards me. "Adrian Telling. That's Jared Col and Pranil Rendington." He held out his hand to me. I tilted my head slightly and looked across the group. They were cute, I won't lie. But somethings off about them. I clasped my hand in his and we shook, his friends exchanging looks.

"We should go. The rest of the group is probably waiting for us." Laney put her hand on my arm. Why is she being so weird? "Luckmore, don't be such a bore. Do you want to head to my dorm? We can hang out or more if you want." He winked. That's what this is about. He wants me in his bed. I would say yes but I'm not for the needy types.

"Riddlette, come here." Draco spoke, his voice having an undertone of annoyance. I just can't believe he used that name in front of other people than our friend group. That's not embarrassing at all.

"Nicknames? Unless she's yours, Malfoy. I understand why, just not sure I can picture you actually caring about someone enough for that." Adrian replied, forgetting I was even standing there.

"I couldn't care less if you play around with her or not. She's going to realize pretty easily you have more than one toy at a time." Malfoy snapped, looking annoyed. He always looks annoyed though. "We should really go. I forgot Mattheo wanted to meet up before dinner to look at some school work." I added, grabbing Laney's arm and pulling her with me.

Draco and Blaise followed behind and I heard a voice yell after us. "Riddle, if you ever want me for anything, I'm always free. I'll see you." Ew. I hate teen boys as much as I love them.

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