chapter 27

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April 9, 1997 (saturday)

       I heard a loud creaking noise and got knocked out of my slumber. I was still against Theo's body and clinging to his arms around my waist. Then I heard the whispers. What the fuck? I kept my eyes shut and listened.

"I think it worked."

        "No shit, they're on top of each other."

"Shut up, they're sleeping!"

        "You know what Luckmore? You shut up."

"Really, Malfoy?"


"Would you both shut your mouths?"

       I opened my eyes and saw the group, and I mean the whole group. Blaise, Draco, Laney, Pansy, and Mattheo. They were all in a crowd by the entrance to the room.

       "Can you all shut up? It's too early for this." I groaned, sitting up.

       "Where are you going?" Theo's morning voice asked. His eyes were still shut. "Come back and lay down." He continued, eyes still not opened.

       "This is stupid. They just keep going back to each other." Pansy complained. Theo grabbed my waist and was fully awake.


       I laughed at Theo's sudden alertness and glared towards Pansy. Laney hit her arm and told her to shush.

       "It looks like the love birds are back. What happened?" Draco asked, crossing his arms.

       "Well first, you locked us in a bloody room!" I started, but Theo squeezed my side.

       "We talked. You kind of forced us to. The details are secret." Theo sat up next to me now.

       "We probably don't want to know." Blaise said, making a face of disgust. I smiled and stood up. To finally leave this room.


April 26, 1997 (Tuesday)

        I've never been happier in my life. Ever since I got Theo back, I've been happy. He makes me incredibly happy. Crazy happy.

        Theo and I are always near each other now and I don't even care. He's way more clingy than I am, which is surprising. I'm usually the touchy one. I mean, I still am, he's just super close to me.

       Theo is one of those people that I always feel good around. He makes me feel safe, happy, protected, everything. I only have that feeling of security around him.

        Theo is my person. My safety person. No matter how I feel, him just holding me solves it.

        He's even been getting better at the relationship thing. He's starting to learn how to handle situations and stressors.

        We all sat in the common room, the boys talking about quidditch per usual.

        Surprisingly, Theo is the one laying on me right now, me sitting up in the corner of the couch while he leaned his upper body into my chest. His head lay across my chest as I messed with his hair.

        I was in my own conversation with Laney, who sat in the chair next to the couch I was on.  Theo was in the quidditch talk with the other boys.

        "Seriously, anyone with eyes can see he's in love with you. Like crazy down bad for you." Laney commented, nodding down at Theo.

         He could obviously hear us if he wants to but when he's talking about sports he's deaf to everything else. So, he probably isn't even realizing we're talking about him.

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