chapter 13

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November 23 (monday, continued)

"Get off! Get away from me! Get off, stop!"

        I was cut off by the shrieking coming from my bed. I whipped around and heard the bathroom door slam open. Draco stood in the doorway without a shirt on and his hair wet. Ry was throwing her arms around, screaming, still her eyes were shut. Then her eyes popped open and she sat up, breathing heavily. "It's ok. No one's here. You're ok." I was speaking before I even reached her side. Her face was shimmering, covered in sweat. Her cheeks were wet too, but from tears.

        "Is everything ok out here?" Draco asked, looking frazzled too. I looked at him and shook my head no, signaling for him to go back in the bathroom and that I had it covered. He seemed to understand and went back in, shutting the door. "I told you I don't sleep. I see it every time I fall asleep." She said, pushed her hair off her forehead. "I don't know what to do. Noah fucked everything up." Literally. "I don't know either. I really thought it could help.

      I thought about it. How else can I help her. I have one final idea and I'm not sure if she'll like it or not. "Trust me one more time. I'm going to lay with you." She looked at me like she didn't even care anymore, she gave up all hope. I slid under the sheets on the opposite side of the bed, sort of close to her.

       She scooped her hair into some sort of a bun and laid back down, this time close to the center, even closer to me. It was like she was scared to go too close. She readjusted herself on the pillow and ended up even closer.

       "You can lay on me, you know. I don't mind, it might even help more." I've never just cuddled a girl. I might've when I was in earlier years and on weird flirty dates with girls, but never actually.

        Ry scooted over the remaining distance between us and I lifted my arm up to the pillows. She scooted right into it, her head up slightly above my shoulder. I wasn't uncomfortable with Ry close to me. I just don't know how I'm supposed to do this.

        Do I hold her? Do I rest my arm on her body? Do I do something else? She dropped her head into my chest, and I tensed.

        I don't know how to handle this shit. I untensed and tried not to think about it. My arm fell over her back and I draped it over her side. Naturally, I pulled her closer to me and let her relax. I felt her body untense too and her breathing slowed down.

        She fell asleep. "I just want you happy and healthy again, Ry. I can't stand seeing you like this." I whispered. What kind of psycho talks to people in their sleep? It was true though. All that mattered was that she was going to be ok. Draco came out of the bathroom minutes later, staring at her on top of me. I held my free finger to my lips and shushed him, motioning towards her sleeping body. He gave a thumbs up and laid down in his own bed.

        I was just about to fall asleep myself when I felt her shift. She nuzzled her face into my chest and let her top arm rest across my lower ribs. I took my free hand again and pushed a piece of loose hair away from her eyes. She looked peaceful when she was this relaxed.

        I've never really noticed how beautiful she is. Even in this state. I've always known she was pretty. She's one of the prettiest girls I've ever met. But she's more than that, like a lot more. My thoughts started to slow and my hand fell to her arm.

November 23 (tuesday)

I opened my eyes to dark brown hair. I was on my left side, Ry's back half attached to my front. I had my left arm under my head and my right arm clasped around her waist, maybe a little lower than I should have it. Her body was plastered to the front of mine, not even an inch of space between us. Her left arm was under her head and her right arm was on top of mine, resting on my wrist.

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