chapter 5

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September 13 (monday)

Laney and I walked down the girls' dorm stairs to see the rest of the group in the common room. Mattheo was sitting in the corner of a large couch, Blaise on a smaller one, Pansy on the far side of Blaise's couch, and Draco in a chair next to Mattheo. Theo is probably off shagging some random girl. I walked up to Mattheo and flopped down across the couch, laying my head and shoulders on my twin's lap.

"Hey, twin Riddle. I know you missed me." Mattheo rolled his eyes and moved his arms to rest away from me. "Go back upstairs, I was having fun without you." I rolled my eyes this time and made a face.

"You don't have to be embarrassed to love me. You know you love having me around now that I'm back from Scotland." I spoke aloud, adjusting so I could see everyone else too. "Ry tells me all the time how she loves you so dearly." Draco added in, making me and my brother laugh. "Shh. Don't tell people that." I snapped, giggling more. "I can admit I've missed her and I hate all of you." Draco added again. I love when Mattheo's friends pick my side in our twin rivalry. "Thank you, at least someone appreciates me being here."

"You should really appreciate your sister more. You just got her back." Blaise stepped in too, making us all burst out laughing. "Come on, even Blaise is against me." Mattheo complained. I was laughing until Mattheo shoved me off his lap and onto the floor. "Ouch."

I got up and sat back down on the couch, this time a safe distance from Mattheo. "Anyways, supposedly Hermione has some sort of crush on Ron. And on Harry." Pansy started, changing the subject from me. I don't know why she hates me so much.

September 18 (saturday)

       Today's my first Hogwarts' party. It's in the Ravenclaw room and I was specifically invited multiple times and asked if I would be there. My whole friend group is going so it should be fun. Unfortunately, Raveclaws actually like Gryffindors, so we're all going to be there. I changed into a black mini skirt with my long sleeve, dark green shirt. I slid my wand into the side of my skirt waistband and waited for Laney to be ready.

        Once we were both ready to go, we escorted ourselves to the Ravenclaw common room. As soon as we got to the party, Laney pointed out 3 students. It was a girl and two boys and they looked our age. "That's Noah Hock, Jasmine Penny, and West Shorewood. They're like the popular Ravenclaws. Not people you want to be friends with though. Jasmine and I used to be best friends back in first and second year, then she turned into a stuck up brat." Laney explained to me. The three were standing together like they were the kings and queen of the whole wizard world. I've never heard of them until today so that shows something.

        Noah was average build and had blonde short hair that fell around his head. His eyes were a dull, pale blue that I could see even from this distance away. He's low key really cute though. I feel like he just wouldn't be the kind of guy that wouldn't kiss and tell. So, I'll pass.

        We got handed drinks and found the remainder of our group spread about. Somehow, we all ended up on the couches and in the central area of the common room. That being our complete friend group, Noah, Jasmine, West, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. We all gathered up to play a game of truth or dare. The last time I played this game I ended up having to ignore my ex boyfriend for eight hours, which I know, isn't a huge deal but it was for us.

       "Riddle, truth or dare?" Theo asked Mattheo. I almost responded because he's been calling me Riddle since we met. For some reason he won't just use my real name, it always has to be some random nickname he's made up for me. "Dare." Theo narrowed his eyes and flicked his wand out from his pocket. A bottle of fire whiskey appeared in front of my brother and he grabbed it.

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