chapter 29

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June 9, 1997 (thursday)

I adjusted my silver chain necklace and ran my hands down my dress. My dress was black and fitted with loose mesh sleeves. It went to my mid thigh.

        I walked out of my room and into Tom's

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I walked out of my room and into Tom's. Both him and Mattheo were inside talking. They both had on suits, a very dark blue and a black one. We decided we'd go downstairs together.

"We have to do something before anyone arrives. Come." Aunt Kell directed us, leading us downstairs to the cellar and dungeons of the house. I have no idea what we're doing. Or why we all have to do it.

Downstairs, there were a few people standing together, talking in hushed voices. Uncle Gor, Aunt Kell, a man and a woman.

The man had dark brown hair and a scruffy beard. He almost looked like an animal. The woman looked tired, her hair was straight and tied half up half down. The underside was pure white, the top half black.

All four people were standing around a large cauldron filled with neon green, bubbling liquid.
I stood between my brothers, all of us exchanging glances.

"Tom, you're first. Come up here." My uncle told him, pulling out his wand. All of them had out their wands.

What is this?

Mattheo and I were instructed to back up.

"Pull up your left sleeve as far as you can." Tom pulled up his sleeve and moved to the center of the circle.

Mattheo and I stood next to each other, silently watching. All of the wands were pointed at him and there was a loud explosion. Smoke started to fill the room, rising from the floor. Tom looked in pain.

"What the hell is this?" He asked, sounding hurt. No one answered and the smoke got denser. I couldn't see anything other than the dark smoke and neon light.

The smoke cleared after a few seconds and Tom was standing there, holding his wrist. My eyes widened as soon as I saw it.

The perfect outline of the dark mark tattoo showed on his forearm. "It bloody stings. You made me into a fucking death eater?" No one answered him and he and Mattheo switched places.

"Are you ok?" I asked Tom, holding his arm to see the tattoo closer.

It was in his skin, not irritated or anything. It's like it's always been there.

"I'm fine. This is just insane." He stood closer to me now than he did before. "I would tell you to run. But I think it's a bit too late." The same thing happened to Mattheo, leaving him with an identical mark.

"It definitely fucking hurts." Mattheo cursed, holding his arm in pain.

I'm scared now.

I'm not ready to become a death eater.

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