chapter 37

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September 21, 1997 (wednesday)

        Theo and I walked through the halls, heading to dinner. We were a little late due to having a bit of fun in our dorm.

        I've told everyone that Bellsy is really sick and we might need to visit her again soon.

        I thought about trying to mention the murder plan but I could practically feel my throat tightening.

        "Ry, your hair is sticking out on one side." Theo told me, laughing softly. "What? Fix it! Theo!" I gave him a look and patted down my hair frantically with my hands. I don't need everyone to see me a mess from him fucking me.

        "I'm kidding! You look pretty." I narrowed my eyes at him and continued walking.

        That's when it started. Faint screaming filled my ears, screeching really. It sounded like Moaning Myrtle. Except she was crying out, louder than normal.

       Theo stopped and looked at me, confirming we could both hear it.

        "We need to see what's happening." I told him, taking off towards her bathroom.

        "Ry, wait!" Theo yelled behind me. I can hear her screaming louder and louder.

Something's wrong.

         I got to the bathroom, Theo not far behind me. I could hear her screaming and water. Lots and lots of water running.


Is someone choking in there?

        I went into the bathroom to see water covering the floor. At least an inch covered every step.

        Harry Potter stood with his wand in hand, frozen.

        The mirrors were shattered and the sink was destroyed. Water was spewing out of the broken sink, drenching everything.

        I took another step into the water and saw Draco on the ground. The water surrounding him was red, his white button up shirt drenched in pink water. He was flat on his back in the water.

"Oh my god."

        I said out loud, running to him. I slid to the floor, lifting his head out of the water onto my lap. My skirt and sweater were soaked immediately. Harry just stood there, staring at us both.

        "Holy shit. What's going on?" Theo asked standing even with Harry. I ignored them and scooted more of Draco's body onto my lap.

        "Draco, stay awake please. It's me, Ry. Come on, Draco. Please just stay awake." I whispered.

         His eyes were shutting, barely staying open. His chest and stomach were covered in tiny slits of red.

What did he do to him?

       I could see his dark mark now that his arm was out of the water. His shirt clung to his skin and you could see through it. I gently let it back in the water to conceal it. I can't let him be exposed now.

        "Why the hell are you just standing there? Get help!" I yelled at Harry.

He continued to stand and stare.

Is he fucking stupid?

        Theo was sitting beside me, looking at Draco.

"Malfoy, get up. Come on."

         "Potter, get help!" I screamed.

I can't let Draco die.

Not now.

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