chapter 20

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January 20, 1997  (thursday)

       It doesn't feel any different to be older. It's the same as every other day in my life. Theo actually showed up to classes today surprisingly.

       Now I'm sitting in charms, half listening to the lecture and half zoning out. This class is never exciting on verbal only lecture days. Today we're talking about the history of some of the newer charms and why they were created. All of our tables have been moved to face the front, in groups of two for this year, so I sat in the second to front row.

        Draco and I were sitting at our table while Theo and Blaise sat at a table one row behind us and two seats over. I could barely even stay awake listening to this.

        What the hell? A small paper bird hit my chest and fell to the table in front of me. I unfolded the magic origami and saw writing starting to show. I recognized the handwriting without even having to read it.

Miss Riddle-

     You're not a whore. Don't hate me forever please. I was just annoyed and on touchy ground. Bloody forgive me, Riddlette. I even said please.

                                            ps. Happy late birthday,
                                                  sorry I missed it all.

       I smiled as I read it. Draco peered over my shoulder and leaned towards me. "What is that?" He asked. "Shh!" I held my finger to my lips and turned to look back at Theo.

      Theo was already watching me, probably waiting to see my reaction. I took out a piece of parchment and a quill and ink.


I accept. You owe me big time though, you jerk. And I mean it.

       "You guys are both kiss ups to each other." Draco whispered. I watched Theo open the letter and smile, looking up to me and nodding his head. It made me feel really good to know we're on good terms now. Something about him and I ignoring each other like that hurt.

       "Shush. You're the more kiss up one to me. You're an asshole to everyone else in this school." Draco's a huge kiss up to me, he hates everyone here yet chooses to open up to me. "Shut up or I'll start talking about you." I rolled my eyes and tried to focus back on the lesson.

January 22, 1997 (saturday)

        The past couple days Theo and I have been back to our normal. It really does feel nice to have him back as a friend. I had told George on Thursday in the hall when I saw him that I was going to be pretty busy with Theo the next week or so just so we can get back to our normal habits. George was perfectly ok with it and told me not to forget his dumbass.

       In fact, he encouraged me to try and fix Theo and I's friendship. I don't know what his deal is with Theo and I.

       Draco and I were hanging out in his dorm since Theo was out doing who knows what. We were working on some homework and a project we're partners for. "Did you even figure out that recipe yet? You've been doing it for a while now." Draco asked me, closing his book. I had not finished yet. I struggle in some classes in general, ok? "Nope. I don't know how-" I was cut off by the dorm door bursting open. Theo was back from his mystery trip apparently.

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