chapter 25

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March 13,1997 (sunday)

       I've been spending a lot of time with Enzo. He seems to be getting the whole Hogwarts thing now.

       Theo and I haven't been spending as much time together. With the spring quidditch season starting, he's been busy with practices. So has George, Blaise, Draco, and Mattheo.

       I try to hang out with Draco but he spends all his time missing. He pisses me off when he just leaves all the time. Where the hell does he even go? It seems like Theo is always busy. Or maybe I'm just always busy. Either way, I haven't seen him nearly as much as I had been before. We only really see each other during meals or walking between the common room. I don't even see him for meals a lot.

       Draco and I were in his dorm working on homework. We were mostly talking instead of getting work done.

      "So when we're you going to mention Enzo is your long term ex?"

       I held my quill over my parchment and studied the ink.


       "Wait, how did you know that?" I looked up at him sprawled across his bed.

         "Mattheo told us all the day after he got here." That was a week ago.

       Theo's known for a week. And I haven't mentioned it once.

Well shit.

        That's why he's been so uptight around Enzo. It's why he's so touchy around him. He's known this whole time and I've avoided it.

I fucked up.

       "Damn it, Mattheo." I swore under my breath.

Why'd he even tell them?

How much did he tell them?

       "Nott and Berkshire aren't the best of friends. Well they were, just not anymore." Draco started.

        Draco explained the quidditch rivalry and how they used to be closer. I bet Theo has heard things about me as a younger child hanging out with Enzo and all. That explains why Theo's uptight around him even further. I wonder why Theo hasn't asked or said anything.

        "Why haven't any of you said anything? Theo hasn't even commented."

       Draco pushed his schoolwork off his bed.

       "We've all been waiting for you to tell us. It's odd you still haven't explained." I had no idea they knew. I didn't think it was needed to explain.

       "I didn't want to cause unnecessary drama." Saying Enzo was my ex boyfriend and so close for so long would just cause tension.

       "You weren't needed to make drama. Just having Theo's first serious girlfriend's ex back is enough. Especially someone he's been competing with for years."

        Draco made a face of disappointment. I really did screw up.

       "Fuck me. I'll find Theo after practice. I need to explain a lot." I said, partly to myself. This is going to be a fun conversation.

       "Yeah, you need to. You fucked up." Ah, the encouragement of my great friend Draco Malfoy. So kind with his words.

       "While you're here, whose wand do you think this is? It looks special or ancient." Draco asked, digging a long dark wand out of his nightstand drawer. I took the wand from him and examined it. The wood was flakey and almost black. It had a small twisted area over the end.

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