chapter 17

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December 18, 1996 (Saturday)

Tonight is the Yule ball and I'm super excited. Theo's birthday was on Tuesday so we all had a mini party to celebrate. The big 17!

Anyways, the ball starts in about 10 minutes and we're all just finishing getting ready. Laney and Blaise are going together, of course. Mattheo asked a Ravenclaw girl named Mel Lock. She's super nice, so I approve.

Draco refuses to ask anyone because 'no one's good enough to go with him.' He's so full of himself as a pure blood wizard and such. Theo didn't want to ask anyone because of the same reason and apparently he just 'doesn't care enough to go with anyone.'

I actually got asked by a lot of guys. But I denied them all. I just don't feel like trying to get ready for some big date anymore. I'm not in the mood to fuck around with random guys for the fun of it. So, Theo, Draco, and I decided we'll go as a group.

Pansy, Laney, and I all got ready together in Laney and I's dorm. I stopped in front of the mirror before joining the girls at the door. My dress was black, a deep v-neck. It was a solid black mini dress that was form fitting to my mid thigh. Then there was a sparkly mesh layer on top of it, flowing out at my waist. My hair lay straightened, falling down my back.

        The three of us walked together and lined up to go downstairs. Draco, Theo, Mattheo, Mel, Tom, Carly, Blaise, and Ben all stood at the bottom of the stairs, talking. I studied the group for a second and went back to focusing on my steps. I don't want to fall down the stairs to start the night.

       I glanced up for a second, locking eyes with Theo. He was the first one to notice our presence fully, he looked like he was in a trance too.

        His eyes focused on me, a small smile across his lips. I smiled back, scanning his outfit. He had on black dress pants and a black suit jacket buttoned up, all over a white button up shirt. His shirt was only buttoned about half way up, an inch or two over the jacket button, leaving his upper chest exposed. He looks really good.

the outfits !!

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the outfits !!

        Draco whistled and laughed, "You all look surprisingly good!" We all glared down at him, splitting off to our specified people.

       Blaise kissed Laney and Pansy was at her date's side. I made my way to Draco and Theo.

        "You look... beautiful." Theo stammered, taking it all in closer. Aw, I've rendered him speechless. Not soft my ass. "Thank you. You both look really nice too."

        Tom and Mattheo were at my side in seconds, not surprising at all. "You did pretty good for this being your first Yule ball." Tom told me, patting my head. I don't know why he feels the need to do that so often. "I'm happy to be at one with you guys finally."

        The whole group traveled to the hall together, splitting off when we walked in the door. Theo, Laney, Draco, Blaise, and I all stayed together to start. We stood at the side and danced. Everyone except Theo and I drank fire whiskey Draco snuck in. 

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