chapter 10

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November 6 (saturday, continued)

        Mattheo, Ry, and Tom all leave again. Fuck I screwed up. I shouldn't have said anything I just did. If anything, I made it all worse. "What happened to Ry?" Draco asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts and gaze. "I can't say, I can't fuck it up any more." I couldn't do anything else wrong. Not if I'm going to make this all up somehow. Oh hell, what is wrong with me? Trying to make something serious up to a girl. Who am I?

        I just wanted to help her. I hate myself for making it all worse than it already was. Ry needed her brothers to know so they could support her. "What the fuck is going on with Ry?" Laney asked. She even seemed annoyed, which was super rare. "Leave it alone. They're probably blowing this up way more than it needs to be anyways." Pansy commented. I'm not in the mood to deal with her constant bullshit. "Pansy, shut up. Obviously it's serious if Ry and Theo act like that and Mattheo and Tom react like that." Laney yelled at her. Apparently she was fed up too. Pansy rolled her eyes and got up from the table, leaving.

        "Now you! You tell me what the fuck happened or I'll hex your ass." Laney pointed her hand in my face. God why are all women so bossy. I've already fucked up enough, why not just tell Laney too. Laney is her best friend after all. Maybe she'll be able to console her in their dorm or something. I stood up and grabbed her arm, pulling her up and behind me.

        "Calm down, Nott, jeez." Blaise looked annoyed that I was touching Laney. I quite frankly don't give a shit. "It's fine, Blaise." Laney told him and shook away from my grasp. We kept walking until we made it out to the hall.

        "Tell me now or I'm leaving." She crossed her arms and stared at me. "Noah Hock raped Ry last night. She was drunk as shit. I saw them go upstairs and I followed after a few minutes. I needed to see what was going on. I heard Riddle saying to stop so I went in and saw her passed out with him bloody on top of her. I told Noah I was her boyfriend and to fuck off so he left." I blurted it all out. Laney looked shocked. Her mouth was partially open and her eyes were wide.

        "I took her to my dorm, even carried her body through the fucking party, put her straight in my bed and didn't touch her. This morning I told her everything I knew and she threw up and broke down crying. I comforted her the best I fucking could and she left to go downstairs with all of you." I took a breath, wow I hadn't breathed during any of that. I was slightly panting. "You're a bloody idiot." Laney finally spoke. What?

        "Yeah, Mattheo and Tom should know at some point but by Ry's words, not yours. You can't just make that kind of decision for her. I swear to god you tell another soul and I'll kill you." Laney looked annoyed with me more than anything. Well shit. Laneys always sort of scared me, don't tell anyone that though. She gets scary when she's mad and is not afraid to call you out.

        "I thought they'd be able to help her. I'm not fit to care about someone like that." I explained myself. I'm explaining myself to fucking Luckmore. "I'm going to talk to Ry. I expect you to apologize." I told her I would. I plan to at some point when it's right to talk to her again.

        Laney walked away but stopped, "You're fit to care because you followed her upstairs with another guy. You don't just randomly follow girls and guys up to a dorm. You only do that if you care. Theo, you kept her safe in your own bed overnight, comforting her all you possibly could. That's a lot. You just need to man up and admit how you feel. Stop being an asshole and full of your own pride when she needs you the most."

        I couldn't even respond. I don't have feelings for Ry. I don't know the first thing to do to help her. She doesn't need me. She wouldn't want me to try and fuck her over by helping.


         I sat on Mattheo's bed, my head in my hands sobbing. I can't live with what happened. I don't know how to. Mattheo was pacing back and forth and Tom was sitting next to me rubbing my back. I sat up and kept crying. "I hate my life. I want it to be all over. This is all too much for me. I hate Hogwarts. I hate Theo. I hate Noah. I hate everything!"

        "You can't want your life to be over. Everyone cares about you." Tom tries to calm me down. Mattheo was still pacing. "Mattheo stop! You know I hate it when you do that." Mattheo halted and said sorry, standing in front of us now. He always paces when he doesn't know how to fix something or is really upset. I ran my hands through my hair and wiped my face.

        "It will be ok. Theo won't talk to anyone else and we won't tell anyone." Tom told me. I sniffled. "I'm sorry for being controlling. I'm just annoyed that my twin got hurt by bloody Hock." Mattheo looked deranged. He doesn't get upset very easily, he's a pretty calm person. "Theo is necessarily a bad guy in all this though, Ry." Tom said. Now we're switching it up. I don't want him to be a good guy now though either. I stood up and let it out.

        "Theo betrayed me. He never gave a shit about anyone before and he just decided to be a hero." I'm greatly for Theo, yes, I'm just really really mad right now. He saved me and I owe him big time. Just telling my brothers so soon stressed me out.

        "You just need to think of it how Theo is normal a heartless fuck towards girls but he went and protected a girl for the first time in his whole life. And that girl was you. He must care a little." Mattheo reasoned. Now they both are rooting for Theo.

        "If he truly cared he wouldn't have broken my trust like that."

        "I need you to understand we just want Kell and Gor to leave you alone. If you stay 'controlled' and out of trouble you won't be punished or sent back to Bellsy." Tom tried to explain. I get it, they just want to help. But I don't care anymore. "I'm not scared of Gor or Kell anymore. Send me back to Bellsy and I'll just come back. We're all getting too old for them to boss around. Merlin, Tom will leave in less than a year."

        Mattheo put his hand on his forehead and huffed. "I wish you'd stop being against us sometimes." I smiled and pushed his arm. "I don't care, we wouldn't be fun twins then. I accept your apologies though."

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