chapter 3

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September 2 (wednesday)

      So far, my first day of Hogwarts classes has gone really well. I've had at least one person from my new group in each of my classes or found new people. I feel really good about going here. I've been using this traceable map to get around to all my classes and it's worked perfectly.

     "Ry! Wait up!" I heard my name being shouted down the hall. The blonde girl I now call my friend was running after me. "We have Care of Magical Creatures together right? Where do we even go? A professor named Hagrid?" I asked her. I have no idea where to go for this class.

      "Yup. Come on, I'll take you with me." Laney led me through the halls towards the Forbidden Forest. A very tall, big man with a long dark beard was standing in front of a group of students. He must be Professor Hagrid. "Hey-o! I'm Hagrid, you must be our new Riddle student! I went to school with ye dad back in the day." Hagrid went to school with my dad? It must've been back when he was still Tom Marvolo Riddle, a normal student.

     And yes, my brother has the same name as our father. Actually, my brother is Thomas Riddle, while my dad is just Tom. Our grandpa is Thomas Riddle as well. I guess Tom or Thomas is just a traditional family name for us.

     I've seen what my dad looks like once before. We used to have a singular photo of him holding Tom as a baby with my mom, but that was hidden soon after Mattheo and I found it. I'm not sure if it still exists or not. Aunt Kell claims my dad was present for the first couple months Mattheo and I's lives faintly, meaning there should be more photos somewhere in existence.

     "I'd love to talk more about him sometime if you would be up for it... Is that Draco and Blaise?" I wonder out loud, seeing the blonde and darker haired boy walking up to our cluster of students. "Ah! Malfoy and Zabini. You two are going to enjoy the class this year right?" Draco rolled his eyes visibly and Blaise answered yes for them both. Laney was at his side in seconds, leaving me between her and Draco.

    "Riddlette? I didn't realize you were in this class." Draco whispered to me as Hagrid started to teach. "Yeah I am. I've been all over today." I whispered back, edging closer to him. Draco nodded and we listened to Hagrid talk. Riddlette? What the fuck kind of name is that?

      Eventually we made it through the intro-speech and Hagrid summoned up these floating puffball bunnies. "These are Loones. They like attention and are very affectionate animals. Don't hurt or scare them, or they'll do the same." The bunnies were adorable. They ranged from white to dark brown and were probably a foot long.

     They hopped in the air and floated around us. "Look how adorable they are!" I squealed, petting one close to me. Everyone was laughing and playing with the puff balls. I usually don't get all hyper like this, but these things had some sort of effect on what seemed like the whole class. Even some of the boys started to get antsy playing with them.

      Everyone except Hagrid and Draco looked in some sort of frenzy. "Why is everyone so hyper? They're rabbits, not anything extraordinary." Draco complained. Why wasn't he hyper too? Every single person was. But not Malfoy.

     "Don't they just make you happy? Just pet one!" My thoughts were clouded from everything other than the animals. "Class! I see some of you have figured out the extra affect these animals have upon contact. When you touch them, they'll be able to control your emotions positively. They will make ye heads skyrocket to excitement and unfocused behavior." Hagrid announced.

     Draco rolled his eyes. "That man is lucky I haven't touched one or I'd be calling my father. Tempering with student's emotions without their prior knowledge!" Draco was complaining. Ugh can't he just stop? I mean who wouldn't be happy around these puff ball bunnies?

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