chapter 18

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December 23, 1996 (Thursday)

I've spent a lot of my time with George and Fred Wealsey the past few days. I've snuck around with them at night, helping them out with their dumb pranks. Last night we set a prank for Professor Snape which is a huge risk.

Turns out, they do a lot more hilarious pranks than I realized. I've had good fun with them both. Theo totally noticed I was gone more though but he doesn't comment on it.

Today, we all went home for winter break. The group and I all sat together on the train and talked about our plans. Everyone seemed so happy to go home and not have school until the new year.

I'm dreading it. I don't want to go home to Kell and Gor's house or Bellsy's. When it was time to get off, the goodbyes started.

Laney, Theo, Draco, and Blaise are all coming over to our house at some point over break. I think they're coming Sunday. Usually the boys just go over because of Mattheo but now Laney gets to join because of me.

I can only imagine how my Aunt and Uncle will react to having both me and Mattheo in the house, with the whole friend group. It should be interesting. Don't worry, we didn't exclude Pansy. She just left school early to travel to Rome with her family.

We all talked around the group, saying bye as everyone saw their parents arrive. I stopped in front of Theo. We just looked at each other, neither of us saying anything. I don't know why.

"I'll see you later, I guess. When you come over for Mattheo." I wonder if Gor and Kell know I'm in the same friend group so they're there for me too now. "You should be more excited. You get to see me over break. And no one said it was only for Mattheo." I looked to my feet to hide my smile.

For some reason I wanted to cry. Knowing I'd be back with Gor and Kell. They hate me, openly. Bellsy doesn't like me much either. I don't know what their problems are entirely. "I'll see you all, what? One day? I need it the whole break. I might be excited, might not be." I was overly excited for the day of distraction we'll get. My aunt and uncle will be so distracted with guests that they'll leave me alone.

Tom poked my arm and told me he saw Aunt Kell and Uncle Gor coming this way, so it was time to go. He must've already said bye to his friends. Mattheo, Tom, and I all held our trunks and walked together down the platform.

Kell's hair is still curly honey blonde, falling to her shoulders. Gor was still fit and had his salt and peppered beard. "Rylin, you made it back." My aunt sang, putting on her typical show. "Hi." It was awkward tension until we left, all filing in to go back home.

As we walked in the front door of the Gaunt Manor. Splendid. The house is huge, bigger than necessary for a household of 4, now 5 people. When I say huge, I mean mega manor. There's 3 wings to the house on the second floor, all with their own grand staircase to get there.

The lower floor has 3 living rooms, a large kitchen, it's own dining hall, a full library, and a music room. Mattheo, Tom, and I all learned how to play an instrument at a very young age. We were put through personal lessons each to perfect them. That's on top of us all knowing piano. I know how to play the harp, Mattheo knows the cello, and Tom knows the bass.

"I'm surprised we haven't gotten any letters from the school." My aunt said to my uncle. We're all standing right here.

If she's hinting at me I swear to Merlin.

"We didn't know how you'd react to Hogwarts. New people, being with your brothers, new place." Kell continued, looking directly at me. So she is talking about me. I gave simplified answers to keep the conversation short. This household is an emotionless one. You don't show if your upset.

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