chapter 43

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February 11, 1998 (Thursday)

        Guess what? Mattheo and I are being sent back to Hogwarts.

        Except, 1: we won't be attending classes. And, 2: we will be undercover, torturing people whom we know.

        We're getting shut in the dungeons while we wait for other undercover death eaters to bring us people who broke rules.

         Nowadays, it's almost impossible not to break one of the dozens of rules at Hogwarts. We're supposed to question them on their misdoings and torture them for punishment.

        I think it's fucked up. So does Mattheo and Tom. I wrote and told Theo, I'd rather write it than have to say it to his face eventually.


        Mattheo and I were dressed in our full death eater uniforms, escorted secretly to the dungeons.

        It was like they didn't think we'd know where they were.

Idiots, I swear.

        We sat in the corner of the dungeon, silent. I can't talk when I'm this fucking stressed out. Just being back here makes me want to explode.

        I jumped at the sound of shuffling and scolding. "I'll hex you before you're even in there if you keep moving." A man's voice snapped, whimpering following.

Fenrir Greyback. My favorite guy.

        Mattheo was at my side as we stood up and waited. The large death eater was dragging in a younger looking boy. I recognized the boy, yet I wasn't sure who he was. He's a year younger than us.

        "Take care of the brat." Fenrir yelled, throwing the boy to the cold cement floor.

         The boy had tears down his face already. He sat up slowly, shaking violently. He's scared, shit. I don't think I can do this.

        "What did you do?" Mattheo asked him. The boy just stayed on the floor, shaking in tears. "I asked what you did?" Mattheo raised his voice, making the boy jump.

Hell, I almost jumped.

        "I didn't do anything wrong! I-I just mentioned Professor Dumbledore!"

        That was the problem. There's no speaking about Dumbledore anymore. Not after his death.

       "Do you know why that's against the rules?" I asked, my voice coming out softer than I meant.

        The boy nodded his head quickly. He has no clue I'm sure.

        "Then why is it? You talking about the dead headmaster. He was evil, a distrustful man to you all." Mattheo snapped again.

Does he actually believe that?

        "He was not! He took care of us!"

         I shot a spell at the boy without even paying attention. The boy screamed and fell backwards. I'm not even sure what I did to him.

        Mattheo looked at me and I stared at the boy. I don't know what got into me there.

         "Do not speak of him in such ways. He was betraying you all. Don't even speak of that man again. All your crying won't bring him back to save you."

         The anger grew inside me. Why was I even getting upset? I never particularly liked Dumbledore. I didn't want to kill him but it didn't bother me he was gone.

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