chapter 7

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October 6 (wednesday)

        Draco and I have been spending a lot of time together. I thought he'd be some cold shoulder guy forever, but he warmed up to me pretty fast. Whenever we're in a large group or even near other people, he's cold. He doesn't speak much, he just stares and makes comments. That's how he was the first few days with me until he gradually became better. It's only been about a month and he's a lot more natural around me. Or maybe his natural is shutting down? I don't know. I've noticed he's really only nice to me. Well no. He's an ass sometimes but the majority of the time he's really nice actually.

        Draco and I walk the halls together a lot. I've been told we're like a power couple by how we act by a few people. Apparently Draco in general is a powerful person. Me being a Riddle and being 'hot', other people's words I swear, makes me the same way. It might help that I'm the Dark Lord's daughter too. Anyways, us hanging out and moving around together makes us really fucking powerful in this school.

        Draco nudged my arm when we turned the corner in the courtyard. Tons of people were walking and talking in the area. He nodded towards a specific group  though, the golden trio. Hermione, Ron, and Harry all stood together. I looked back at Draco and realized what he was implying. "Dementor! Dementor!" He yelled as we came up behind the group. Harry whipped around and frantically searched the sky. He looked terrified. All 3 of them looked scared. Both Draco and I flipped up our robe hoods and wiggled our hands out in front of us, cooing. We both burst into laughter as the group realized we were messing with them.

        "Leave him alone, Malfoy." Hermione snapped, scoffing and stomping off. The boys followed her like lost dogs. That's just pathetic. "She's like a mom to them. They depend on her to fight their little battles." I said, containing myself. We continued walking through the grass. "Mother Granger, that's a new one." Draco replied, smiling. "Riddlette, you might be the only one that's ever been qualified to be my partner in this shit show." I knew I was special. "Good. Don't go and replace me now, I'm having fun in this position."

        Draco had to run off to his class while I headed to my own. I turned the corner of the hall and smacked right into someone. "Hey! Watch out!" I yelped, dropping my book. "Sorry, I wasn't paying much attention." I scrambled to grab my book and finally looked at the boy. He had on Slytherin robes."Yeah, sorry too... I'm Ry." The boy had short, wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes. He's sort of cute. "Goyle. Gregory Goyle." The bell rang and I shut my eyes. Shit. He made a similar face to my own and took a breath.

        "You know, we're already late to class. Why don't we just skip it?" He suggested, looking down at me.

        A smile tugged at my lips and I looked up in his eyes. "Is your dorm free?" I asked, getting his hint. "Crabbe is super good with going to classes..." We walked to his dorm and I'm sure you can figure out the rest. One thing led to another and I had hooked up with yet another guy.

October 21 (Thursday)

I walked through the courtyard alone enjoying the fall breeze. It wasn't quite cold enough for a coat, but cool enough where you shiver in the stronger winds. It's nice though.

I've been thinking about Voldemort recently, my father. Hagrid said he knew him and would talk with me if I wanted to. They went to school together and my father was actually a normal wizard from what I understand. He did say I could stop by anytime.
I wandered through the woods and down a long rock trail until I saw a small wooden cabin. It was almost in the Forbidden Forest. This has to be his house. Who else would live out here?

I walked up to the door and took a deep breath. There's only one way to find out about my father, right? I rose my fist and kicked at the door.
"Coming!" I heard Hagrid's deep voice yell from inside. The door swung open and Hagrid's eyes softened seeing me. "Evening, Riddle!" I smiled and decided it's better now than never. "Can we talk? About my father..."

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