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So that's it. The end of the story.


If anyone makes it through that, thanks for reading ! I hope you enjoyed and my writing didn't completely come off cringey.

        In real time, I wrote that story from July 10, 2021 to June 15th, 2022. Which isn't that long, but the fact that I actually finished it is pretty cool.

        I think I mentioned this in the very very beginning, but I wrote majority of this at night, sometimes half asleep. I'm in the process of reading the entire thing on my computer in doc form too. So, most likely if you're reading this, you've read the book in it's entirety before even I have. Congrats !


there will be a second book and a prequel. I have them both partially planned out already. But I probably won't finish either for a long time. They will probably both be sort of short, but still informative.

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