chapter 28

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June 3, 1997 (friday)

        A lot has happened in the past month. To start, the Triwizard Tournament happened.

        It started in the beginning of May and ended last weekend. I got to see quite a bit of my friends from Beauxbatons during it which was nice. Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons, Viktor Krum of Durmstrang, Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter were all chosen to participate.

        George and Fred tried to put their names in, which was ridiculous.

        Everyone at school was focused on the events and competition the whole month.

        Then, the last event happened over the weekend. It was a huge maze right in the quidditch field here. The contestants had to make their way through the dangerous maze and find the Triwizard cup inside it.

         It was mostly down to Potter and Cedric to win it all. Except unfortunately, something went very wrong for them. Supposedly they decided to work together to get through the maze and they ended up finding the cup. Then someone else showed up.

        Potter claims it was Voldemort who came and killed Cedric. No one really believes him.

         Voldemort hasn't been seen for years, by anyone. He was last around 17 years ago when Mattheo and I were born.

        There's no way he's back, and if he was, I'm sure we'd all know about it. From the stories I've heard, I'm sure he would've killed Harry instead of Cedric.

        Anyways, everyone's upset about Cedric. He was Tom's best friend. I recently met him but it's still upsetting. I think Harry's covering up something else that happened.

        He came up to me the other day and made a small scene.

        "Riddle. I need to talk to you." Harry Potter approached me and George. Of course he waits till I'm away from my other friends.

         "What the hell do you want, Potter?" I snapped. I love George, he's great, but his brother's friends, I can't stand them.

        "About the tournament. Cedric Diggory." I rolled my eyes and looked at George. He isn't actually making this up still.

        "If it's about my father being back, just stop. It's getting a bit too much of a lie."

        I stood up from the grass where George and I were sitting.

         "Ry, please. I swear he was there. I saw him. He killed Cedric!" I pulled my wand out of my pocket and pointed it at the ground. If this guy doesn't back the fuck up.

         "My father is dead! Or at least gone. No one has heard a peep from him for years! If he came back, why didn't he kill you?"

         Harry stepped back and begged me to at least listen to the full story.

harry pov story time

         We were suddenly taken out of the maze, we were in some sort of abandoned foggy area. I recognized the place, I'd been there before. Well... sort of. I've dreamt of it before.

         I saw the tombstone, Tom Riddle 1926-1980. We had to leave, but Cedric just wanted to know what was going on.

           Then the pain hit me. It was like someone was squeezing my brain out of my head. Peter Pettigrew came out to us, holding what looked like a baby.

It was Voldemort.

         He was small and withered away, weak. Then Pettigrew shot at Cedric, killing him. He pinned me back with a statue and dropped Voldemort into a cauldron.

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