chapter 8

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the next few chapters talk about sexual assault and the aftermath of it. eating disorders due to grief are also going to appear. please beware of such things and do not read if they may negatively affect you.

November 5 (friday)

        Over the past week, Theo and I have started talking a little bit more. He's more cold then Draco is now towards me, which is odd. I thought Draco was the cold one. Tonight we're having some huge party in the Slytherin common room. I have no idea who actually planned it, I just know it's happening. All the houses were invited so it will be packed.

        I changed into a pale purple skirt and black crop top. Schoolwork has been stressing me out lately, so I deserve to let loose. Downstairs in the common room, tons of people were already gathered. They were all drinking and dancing. The lights were off but somehow we got these strobe lights and rainbow other lights. The music was being blasted so loud, I could barely hear myself.

        I think it's been a few hours now. Honestly I'm not sure. I've had so many drinks I can't think straight. But who cares? It's fun. I was dancing with random people and having the time of my life. "Calm down with the drinking, Ry. You can barely stand." I turned around and saw Mattheo. "Hi, Mattheo! Don't act like a dad, re-remember we don't have that type of parent." Our dad was never in the picture much, meaning he has no right to act like him.

        "Oh my god, it's not like that. It's because you're going to act dumb." Mattheo looked tired and annoyed. Blah. "I-I'm happy I've gone to Beauxbatons, you never could tell me what-what to do there." I said back, taking another long sip of whatever was in my cup.

        "Tom! Tell her to stop drinking." Oh look, there's Tom! I wonder where he came from. "Let her enjoy the night. Rather have her do it here than alone." Tom patted the side of my head and smiled. I smiled and took another drink. "Whatever. I'm going to bed, my head is killing me." Mattheo told us, both of them leaving me.

        I drank another cup of the dark liquid and was met with another friend of mine. "Woah. How much have you drunk?" Laney asked me, holding my shoulder to keep me from wobbling. "Like twelve drinks. Maybe more. I have no idea." Laney's hair looks really pretty curled. I wonder how she did it? Maybe she'll do mine now? "Merlin, Ry. Maybe be done for tonight." She told me, taking my half full cup. I agreed and left to go to another group.

        This group was some Ravenclaws. They were talking about some teacher drama so I just added in comments and listened in . "Ry, right? You look really good tonight." The blonde boy approached me and I recognized him. Who was it? Noah! "Thank you. You-you look really nice too." I could barely see him other than the grey shirt sleeve shirt and slack pants. "Where's all your friends? They're usually nearby." I looked around and I just saw blurry people.

        "They're all off doing their own things." I replied, grabbing his arm for support. We flirted for a few minutes and he suggested we go upstairs. "You are hot. The shirt and everything." I slurred, I couldn't think. I agreed to go upstairs and let him lead me to the dorms. I tapped my door with my wand and non verbally unlocked the door.

        He had to support me most of the way or I would've fallen down the stairs. The music was barely audible from upstairs, a pro of wizard magic. We went inside and shut the door, moving to my side of the room.

        Noah had his lips on mine in seconds, pushing me down onto my bed. He held me like he was scared I was going to walk away, holding really tight. He reached for my shirt and pulled the tight crop tank top up and over my head. We're moving so fast I can't process a thing. His lips moved down my neck and chest, sucking hard at my skin. I only had on 4 pieces of clothing; my thong, skirt, crop tank top, and bra. I'm already down to 3.

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