chapter 2

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September 1 (tuesday still)

     I made it to the great hall with the help of my wand and barely found my brother's friend group. There are a shit ton of people at this school all over the place. I noticed quickly that the tables were separated by house and found my way to the Slytherin table. I can't even imagine having to sit at a different table alone.

      "So?" Mattheo asked me, seeing me come up to the table. "I made it! Slytherin!" I chanted, sitting in the closest open spot. On the opposite side of the table, it went; Laney across from me, Blaise, and then Mattheo left to right. I sat down next to Theo. Next to him was Draco, then Pansy. For some reason my side of the table was shifted over one, like they were leaving the open spot next to Theo. Weird coincidence. Theo didn't even glance in my direction. It's like he hates me or something.

       Draco on the other hand kept smirking around every comment I made. Dumbledore started his welcoming speech and the first years all got sorted into their houses. "Why do we have to watch this? Does anyone even care who goes where?" I whispered, bored out of my mind. "It's called routine. We do it every single year." Laney whispered back, leaning forward across the table. "It's bloody boring." I complained, putting my head down.

      "Is this all too much for you already, Princess Beauxbatons?" Draco sneered sarcastically, looking at me around Theo. "Not at all, Malfoy. I just don't like to waste my life with boring unnecessary things. No offense if you do." I said back, even toned. I win, Malfoy. He just made an annoyed face and sat silently again.

       "You all may go to your rooms and set up everything now. You should find your beds labeled with your names." The speech was finally over. Thank Merlin.

        We all walked together to the Slytherin common room and learned the password to get in. 'Serpent' is the password. "We're roommates it seems. We can catch up while we unpack." Laney told me, leading me towards the girls staircase. When you first enter the Slytherin area, it's like a huge living room. That's the common room. There's couches, tables, chairs, a fireplace, and more. There tons of places to hang out and sit. On each side of the room, there is a huge staircase that leads to the bedrooms. The right leads to the girls' rooms and the left goes to the boys'.    

      There are rules saying we're not supposed to be in the opposite gender's rooms past lights out time. We're supposed to be back in our own rooms by 9:00 PM every night. Apparently no one actually checks to enforce that though.

      "If you need me, my room is the sixth one on the left. Blaise and I have a small sign on the door that says our names on it too." Mattheo told me, turning to go up with the rest of the boys. I nodded my head and followed Pansy and Laney up to find our rooms. Pansy's was next door to Laney's and I's room.

       "I just know we'll be besties. I'm so happy there is finally another girl here. That group of guys gets to be a lot." We entered a room with two full beds, two dressers, and two closets. There was also a small bathroom with a full shower and two sinks attached. The rooms were actually pretty nice. "I could see why they'd get to be too much. Don't worry, I'm here now." I joked, seeing my trunk already next to my bed.

      We started to unpack our clothes and anything else we brought with us. "I'm sure everyone's been asking, but why haven't you always gone to school with your brothers?" I'm sure she'd find out sooner or later the full story anyways. If Mattheo didn't already start to explain it.

     "My uncle, Uncle Gor, doesn't think girls and boys should be raised in the same ways or act the same. I started to act like a boy and was rowdy like one at a young age. I acted out a bit too much and boom. I was sent to Scotland to live with my eldest cousin, Bellsy. Sending me to Beauxbatons was supposed to rein me in, keep me controlled without my brothers' influence. We've been living apart since Mattheo and I were 10. We've all seen each other rarely but have kept super close through letters and such."

      My Uncle Gor hates the idea of a girl not acting the specific way he believes they should. He didn't like that I played with boys and liked the things my brothers did. Our mother died when Mattheo and I were only two and our father is a lost cause.

      We don't even know for sure if he's still alive or not. Many people say he's dead, the Dark Lord, Voldemort, whatever you call him. I personally think he's hiding somewhere. Probably making some hideous plan. Mattheo and Tom live with Aunt Kell and Uncle Gor. Aunt Kell is my mothers twin sister. Bellsy is Uncle Gor's daughter.

      Apparently Mattheo has been talking quite a bit about me to his friends. They all have wanted to meet me for years.

        "Why are you here now then? Shouldn't you be back at Beauxbatons still?" She asked, trying to understand. "My uncle finally gave up. He realized I was worse without them. I lost control in a sense alone. My ex boyfriend was the only thing that kept me from completely spinning out. Now, Gor thinks my brothers will be able to control me and dull me down to a presentable level." Those were the basic terms. I'm the way I am because of my uncles screwed up beliefs. "I like you, even barely knowing you." Laney replied after moments of silence. I smiled. "Thanks. You seem pretty cool."

      Laney told me her background and some more basics about Hogwarts. I couldn't be more thankful for these tips. "So... Anyone caught your eye yet? You seem pretty watchful of Theo." Heat rose to my cheeks for just a second before I focused back to cool. "There's a shit ton of hot guys here. Theo is just one of the hottest of the hots." Laney made a face that seemed like she's heard this before. "I can agree, but I would never personally get close to him or anything like that." Confusion. Why can't you get close to him?

      "Is he really as heartless as you all acted earlier?" Something about Theo made me want to know more. It's like I need to know more about him. "He's never stayed with the same girl for a full day. He's hooked up with repeats, but that's about it." So he's unable to be in a relationship. Maybe he's scared to be in one. "Unfortunately I've had the same issue recently. I wish I could commit again but I just can't. Relationships are just too hard." Relationships aren't worth it anymore. I think of them as something that takes too much emotional energy and physical energy to entertain. I don't have the energy of either kind to use.

      "It's way worth it. I'm happiest with Blaise." Laney spoke pridefully. I want nothing more than a deep connection type relationship. After my past boyfriend and I broke up earlier this year, I'm convinced love is fake. Relationships aren't possible to have without killing yourself. We were together since we were thirteen and super close since we were ten. "And you two are cute. I'm happy like this." Kind of happy. Well, happy enough where I'm enjoying life.

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