chapter 41

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December 23, 1997 (friday)

        I woke up to the sunlight filling my room.


        I wish Theo was here with me. That would've made my day.

        I got up, stretched, and went to brush my teeth and use the bathroom. Upon exiting the bathroom, I ran into Theo.

        "Hey..." He said, not quite making eye contact with me. "Hi." I started walking past to go back to my room.

"Ry, I'm sorry."

        "You called me a cheater. In front of a group. And punched my best friend."
I went into my room and Theo followed.

        "I'm sorry. Really. Please, I love you. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry." Theo begged, trailing behind me like a child.

        "Are you sorry because you're embarrassed or because you actually are?" I asked, stopping in front of him.

        "I am sorry. I don't know what got into me. Bellatrix told me all this stuff you guys were doing and said you guys were closer than before. I couldn't make the images go away."

         Wait, images? They wouldn't stop either. Bellatrix explained it all?

He was spelled. Fucking damn it.

        "Theo. Tell me exactly what she told you. And how." Theo explained that she wrote a letter, except it was an odd letter. The paper smelt strong and had weird stains on it. Ever since he hasn't been able to stop thinking about it. That witch bloody spelled him.

         "I'm pretty sure she spelled you. She told us she'd say something to you. I'm going to try and figure out a counterspell."


        Mattheo helped me make a potion to deactivate whatever the hell she did to Theo. It worked almost immediately, as he went back to his normal self. I'm sure happy that it's over with.

        We've been inseparable since we did the spell. I can't get enough of him. He hangs on me just as much as I am on him and we're constantly touching each other.

         Our first true night together is tonight, and we planned to watch a movie downstairs. Tom's house is in a muggle village so no one knows who we are anyways. It makes it easier to live in a wanted state. It also makes it easy to buy a whole bunch of muggle things.

         Theo sat in the corner of the couch with me sitting across him. My legs laid over his lap and my upper body rested on his side and chest. We had a blanket draped over us and Mattheo sat in the opposite couch corner. Tom leaned back in a chair.

       I missed this a lot. Just being in his arms, having him near me.

        After months of that being constantly, being apart felt insane.

        Theo's arm rested around my shoulder and crossed my chest as I buried myself into his shoulder. I forgot how comfortable he is.

        The credits of the movie started to roll and Tom stood up, groaning and throwing the muggle remote at Mattheo.

        "I'm going to sleep. Night." With that, he went upstairs and left us in the living room.

        "Please don't be fucking loud. If I hear a thing I'm going to have to off myself." Mattheo complained.

        Embarrassing much? "Shut up!" I said, throwing a couch pillow at him.

        "I don't feel like hearing my twin and friend having sex. Sue me!" Mattheo stomped upstairs too.

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