chapter 46

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April 14, 1998 (friday)

I was shaking.

No, someone is shaking me.

       I opened my eyes and blinked, trying to adjust to the sun.

        "What time is it?" I groaned, turning my head away from the light. Mattheo stood over me, poking my arm.

       "We have to go. Harry Potter is at Hogwarts."

Harry Potter?


Can't I just sleep a little longer?

        "Ry, get up, hurry." Mattheo poked my forehead.


Harry Potters in Hogwarts.


We have to go.

         I jumped up and got ready as fast as I could, putting on black leggings and a zip-up sweatshirt over a tank top. I don't know what the proper attire is to attend an attack.


        We arrived at the Gaunt Manor as everyone else did. We all were instructed to sit at the table and wait.

        "It's time. Harry Potter has been spotted numerous times inside Hogwarts this past day. It's time to attack." Voldemort boomed, his sharp teeth showing.

       Everyone was talking and moving around.

This is really happening.

Right now.

        We were all to arrive together to break through the barrier. Apparently Hogwarts was preparing for this, making sure they had a large barrier spell around the entirety of Hogwarts' land.

We'd have to break through.

       I rushed out of the room to the library of the manor.

I need to warn Theo.

        I dug through the desk drawers and threw things across the room as I searched for a quill and ink box.

       Come on, where the hell are the quills?

       I located the items and scribbled across the back of a piano book.

'They're coming. Get everyone safe. Please, hurry.'

        I held my wand to the book until it burst into shreds of paper. Please tell me it sent. Hopefully the message and book will make it to Theo.

Wherever he is, it should find him.

        "Ry, what are you doing? We have to go." Tom told me, entering the room. Mattheo was behind him, looking at the mess I made.

        "I'm coming." I told them, pushing past.


        The death eaters broke through the barrier around Hogwarts quickly. We could see all the people on the grounds, ready to fight.

        This is going to be really fucking bloody, I can already tell.

       I tried to stay with my brothers, or find Draco again, but too much was going on. We all were rushed into Hogwarts, spreading across the school. Students and teachers were fleeing everywhere, screams filling the air.

       All I could do was keep walking. I'd get killed if I stopped.

       "Help! Someone help him!" I heard the screaming of a girl as I turned the corner. She was holding an unconscious boy in her lap, crying and screaming.

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